Good morning all! Today I remember 9/11/2001; when I was on the - TopicsExpress


Good morning all! Today I remember 9/11/2001; when I was on the job, just getting started on the first windshield replacement of the day for the company I worked at, when I did autoglass work. Id turned on the radio to listen to the morning show, while working on the truck, in a parking lot in Minneapolis, MN; when Id heard the DJ come on to announce that one of the towers had been hit by a commercial airliner. I thought that was rather odd, and out of sorts; thinking to myself, how the hell does an airplane fly that low over the city, AND just happen to hit the building?...then came the announcement of another plane hitting a building. At that very moment, I KNEW that this was intentional!!! Theres NO WAY that can be a coincidence Id thought!!! Now, that I know the truth, it saddens me so much more to KNOW that Bush and a multitude of other government entities were responsible for killing nearly 4,000 of our citizens; merely for the purpose of engaging in another conflict, to boost votes and finances!!! Most people realize now, that these were very OBVIOUSLY CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS ON ALL 3 BUILDINGS!!! And what a sad day, when yet once again innocent lives were taken and the world deceived into believe that it was terror groups(of which our govt financed anyway)...but in the end, and the most devastating, affecting so many American lives. Let us remember those lives that were lost, and families that were tore apart simply because this piece of shit government had an agenda that was so damned important, that they felt it was necessary to take so many lives, and only try to cover it up and fool citizens into believing their un-truths!!! This is a day to remember those that lost their lives UNNECESSARILY, on that unforgettable day in 2001!!! My heart goes out to their spirits, and those families affected....But, know this; NO MATTER WHAT, I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS WORTHLESS GOVERNMENT BODY MY TIME OR EFFORTS IN SUPPORTING ANY OF THEIR GREED AND HATE THAT THEY EXHIBIT AGAINST OUR FINE AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! Rest in Peace our dear neighbors, friends, and relatives; who so needlessly lost your lives in the most historically tragic event of America; which to me will go down in history as THE DAY THE GOVT PUT ITS OWN CHILDREN ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK !!! :(
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:10:30 +0000

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