Good morning all!!! Well did you get caught in the traffic - TopicsExpress


Good morning all!!! Well did you get caught in the traffic yesterday?? Proverbs 14:29 hit a little too close to home for me on Sunday. I was driving along and was, if I’m being completely honest, in a bit of a rush to get to the Church where I was conducting worship. Just as the light turned green ahead of me, a car turned in front of me and proceeded at the pace of a snail. At this point, there was no getting around this car, so I did my best to take a deep breath, the car went even slower. “You know, they do make cars with accelerators I yelled under my breath. That car is only a few months old, I’m sure it has one.” Pointing at the driver in front of me I said, “Do you think the driver knows where it is? At this pace I could walk to Church faster!” I followed the slowest car ever the Church. A little old lady who I know and love dearly got out. Sorry Hugh for being so slow I just got this car and I am trying to get used to it. needless to say, I felt more than a little foolish. Who among us does not need more understanding? I certainly do! Whether driving on our congested roads, or moving at the speed of the information superhighway through our hectic and busy lives, it’s so easy to become annoyed at those around us who sometimes get in our way. My friends, just about the time you feel all steamed up and your annoyance meters have risen into the red zone, that’s the time to turn down the flames by remembering Proverbs 14:29, “He who is slow to wrath has great understanding. But he who is impulsive exalts folly.”
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 08:10:07 +0000

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