Good morning and “Merry Christ-mas” to all my brothers and - TopicsExpress


Good morning and “Merry Christ-mas” to all my brothers and sisters in the Lord, and to all my friends. May I ask, how are you doing in your walk with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God the Son? How is your faith in Him and in His Word, as we watch our country’s leaders move further and further away form God and His Holy Word? As we watch our nation become more and more Godless? As I thought about all that is going on in our country and in my life this morning, the Words that Jesus Christ spoke to His disciples after He had told them that He was going away, came to my mind. In (John 14:1) Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” The Greek word for “troubled” that Jesus used here, means to be anxious or upset to be experiencing worry or distress. The Greek word for your is a plural pronoun. Therefore Jesus was speaking to all of His disciples, us included. All of His disciples must have been troubled about Jesus predictions of betrayal, denial, and departure. I mean after all, if Peters commitment to Jesus and the ministry was shaky, then every disciple should be aware of his own weaknesses. Amen? Potential weaknesses and possible failures trouble us, do they not? So we dont like to think about them. Now hear me well, Jesus solution for troubled hearts requires us to trust in him. Trust does not mean pretending we are strong, oh no, it means recognizing our weakness and need for Gods help. Amen? Folks, if we believe for a moment that we can follow Jesus in our own strength, we will fail as miserably as Peter did when he dined Jesus three times. Jesus urged his disciples to maintain their trust in the Father and in the Son, and to continue trusting through troubling times. Have you ever felt troubled in your heart, agitated, stressed out, or uncertain about tomorrow? There is a lot to be afraid of these days, is there not? Maybe something has happened to you recently that has turned your world upside down? Maybe you’ve found yourself wondering whether God really is aware of the problems you’re facing right now? That must be exactly how the disciples of Jesus felt. Surely they were downhearted and discouraged. Their whole world must have turned upside down when Jesus began talking about leaving them, about being crucified? Can you blame them for wondering, what in the world is going on here? Wow just think about this for a few minutes! Maybe you feel that way this morning? Maybe there is uncertainty in your future. As we think about our fears and concerns today, let’s take a few minutes to consider what Jesus said to His disciples and to us in that tense Upper Room. “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me” Jesus was saying, “Don’t let these things throw you! Put your full trust and faith in Me!” Folks if this was good advice for some deeply troubled believers two thousand years ago, I can tell you right now with complete confidence that it’s the best counsel anyone can give today. Can I get a “Amen” here? Loving You In Jesus Christ, Pastor David McGee
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 10:46:31 +0000

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