Good morning and labor day weekend! What are yalls plans for the - TopicsExpress


Good morning and labor day weekend! What are yalls plans for the holiday weekend? We came down to Nanas and hopefully get to go to the beach one last time, if the jellyfish arent bad and it doesnt rain. Havent heard anything about the CT scan yet....I know, I have to wait ALL weekend now. :/ I am praying it is good but it still wont help in knowing why he is sleeping so much and tiring easy. Yesterday he slept until after 11:30 at the sitters. He still isnt eating or drinking well. He is only wanting soft things like bread and yogurt. And if it is milk he is reacting to I hate to give him yogurt. Need to go get some soy yogurt for him. Going to change really fast here: Thank yall for praying for Chriss daddy. Last week he found out that he is having sinus arrhythmia so saw a cardiologist yesterday. The cardiologist said he is concerned about this and he has scheduled some testing for November(soonest he could get in). Please continue to pray for daddy. Ok so after the appointment(I went) we stopped and got Chris. He was laying down when I walked in. But I quickly found out he was VERY hyper and sensitive. He was also very moody. He hurt most of the trip down to the coast. He went to bed crying his head hurt. I just wished Tylenol or something would help but it doesnt seem to. :( Before we went to bed when we got here(we got here late) he didnt want his aunt to touch him or anything at first but did finally hug her he yelled out because he said it hurt. Right now it is 10:30 in the morning here and he is still asleep. Pray he can enjoy his time here this weekend. And everyone have a save weekend!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 15:26:02 +0000

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