Good morning and welcome to APPRECIATION CHALLENGE: Day 21 of - TopicsExpress


Good morning and welcome to APPRECIATION CHALLENGE: Day 21 of 66: As I (Katie) was hmming about how to frame appreciations today, the phrase because I choose to came to me. Often we humans decide to do things for reasons that have nothing to do with loving and appreciating us and everything to do with training, getting approval, avoiding punishment, weasling out of something... So today I invite you to appreciate yourself for the boldest of reasons--because you choose to. Here you are today and here you are choosing, of all things, to appreciate yourself. Take a moment to notice your vitality and whole-body aliveness now, then appreciate you, then notice again. What happens when you choose to appreciate you? Examples: • I choose to appreciate me for favoring beauty. • I choose to appreciate me for loving my body in all its forms. • I choose to appreciate me for noticing whats just emerging. • I choose to appreciate me for opening to discovery and learning over and over. • I choose to appreciate me for developing my caring for muscles and including me. For those new to the challenge, heres what were up to: This challenge is intended to create a new habit (takes average of 66 days) of appreciating starting with you (often the last to get attention, admit it). Were using the 5/1 ratio of appreciations to criticisms that was established by John Gottmans work (thriving relationships have at LEAST a 5/1 ratio of a/c). You can find earlier posts and challenges by looking down this page.
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 15:01:20 +0000

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