Good morning and what a great morning it is and it has nothing to - TopicsExpress


Good morning and what a great morning it is and it has nothing to do with the weather outside. You see if I allowed the weather to determine my mood, I would be all over the place because of the Kansas weather. It has often been said if you do not like the weather in Kansas wait 5 minutes and it will change. My mood is determined by gratitude. I am very thankful I got to wake up today and I am even more thankful to get a chance to chat with all of you. We must not allow people, situation or things to occupy mind space they are not paying rent on. What I mean is that we should never allow a situation to ruin our day! For example being cut off in traffic. I have to admit that I have allowed this situation to ruin a part of my day before. New Flash! The person that cut you off will not give a rip about this in 1 minute. The sad thing is that many times we are upset for hours and sometimes we go home and take it out on the dog, cat, spouse, kids on someone w love. Really is all this nonsense necessary? We need to stop letting situations determine how we feel or act. The only thing we can control is how we react to people or situations. My dad used to say to me that you can tell the size of a man by the size of the things that make him mad. That was the PG version. I hope that you get my point. I do believe that he was right. We are the captains of our ship called attitude and only we can sail our ship to a place of peace or we can ship wreck it on the nasty island of Hacked off Island. The funny thing is that most of the stuff that tends to upset us wont make two hoots in 1 day. So today here is my challenge! When someone, something or some situation hacks us off today we are going to stop for a moment and then we are going to put our hands at 10 and 2 and sail our ship called attitude into a happy place. we are not going to allow anyone or any situation to rain on our parade today. We will refuse to participate any any situation that wants to steal our joy today. We must never let any little thing ruin our day. We must remember that everything except our relationship with God and our familys are all little things. I have to admit that some of the stuff with family is a little thing. I love you guys and I hope that your day is full of lots of love and laughter. Love David
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 10:07:43 +0000

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