Good morning boys and girls! The weekend is nearly here and it is - TopicsExpress


Good morning boys and girls! The weekend is nearly here and it is time to get up, time to make sure that we make today a fantastic day! May be a day were you can have faith in yourself. Once you have faith in yourself, the world changes in front of your eyes. I’m never afraid to take on anything because I know that I will succeed. That’s the difference between winners and losers. If you want to win in life then you have to have faith in yourself. Once you know that success is inevitable, you stop worrying about failure, and worrying about failure is what usually kills our chances. Having faith is understanding that no matter what happens, no matter what difficulties come your way, you will come out on top. How could you possibly know that you’ll succeed in life? Because you have faith that you will. Having faith gives us courage and convinces us that we are unbeatable. Most people fail in life because they see failure as not only an option, but the inevitable outcome. If you approach anything in life with the notion that you will fail, then I promise you that you will be correct. Winning isn’t about coming out victorious from every battle, it’s about emerging victorious from the war. Having faith in yourself gives you courage to try new things, to explore the world and life itself. It allows you to leave your comfort zone, try new things and have new experiences. It opens your eyes to other realities. Although you will fail plenty of times, it won’t faze you. Failing is inevitable. But failure isn’t an option. Failing is losing, and the fact is that sometimes we will lose, no matter how hard we try for it to be otherwise. Have faith in yourself, however, and losses don’t feel like losses. They feel like a step in the right direction. Loss after loss, after loss and you will make it to the top. It’s not those who know how to win who succeed, but those who know how to lose. Winning is easy. Losing is difficult. The only way to lose with a smile on your face is to have faith that you will eventually come out a winner. You will find a newfound love for yourself. If you don’t love yourself then how can you expect anyone else to love you? And if others do love you, then why is it that you can’t find a reason to love yourself? Faith is a form of love, it’s loving something that has yet to come into existence. If you can love the person you will one day be then you must love the person you are now. Never regret the things you have done or the person you are because it’s necessary in order for you to become the person you know you must be. When you have faith in your abilities, you develop a tendency of trying new things. You see the world differently. Roadblocks become possibilities. Problems become challenges. Ugliness becomes potential beauty. Not until you have faith in yourself will you be capable of creating lasting, meaningful change in the world. To be capable of change is to have power. You can’t have power if you don’t believe yourself to be powerful. You will respect yourself more than you have ever done so before. Why? Because you have finally learned your true value. It’s not possible to have faith in something you deem to be meaningless. To have faith is to bestow value onto it. To have faith in yourself is to have respect for yourself. No one will ever respect you if you don’t first respect yourself. Remember, freedom cannot be given, it is taken. And it all starts with having faith :-)
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 05:45:28 +0000

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