Good morning brothers/sisters, Im so grateful for this day(3 - TopicsExpress


Good morning brothers/sisters, Im so grateful for this day(3 years member of the church now),for the love of our heavenly father and jesus Christ,for the many blessings,for my lovely branch( Larnaca,Cyprus),for all the missionaries,church leaders,for my brothers/sisters,for my loving family and friends-- Working abroad( overseas Filipino worker) is not easy,we encountered lots of temptations,problems,trials and,difficulties. I know i did a lot of mistakes in my past life but then i met the missionaries who knocks on the door in the apartment of my auntie,the changes of my life happens slowly-slowly--i was very lazy before,i stop going to church anymore but when they gave me book of Mormon, continue my lessons with them, and started to read,search for the truth with real intent,broken heart and contrite spirit,i know god answer my prayers,as we truly repented for our since god forgives us and remember them no more. as i was reading and pondering the book my burdens become light and draw me closer to our heavenly father--i was baptized,have my first calling for the couple of months. Searching for the truth is not only from the start but as i read continuously,found out that everyday is learning, answers to my problems are mostly contains in the book of Mormon. As i take heed to those promptings of the still small voice that was placed in my heart,i was guided everyday,the patriarchal blessing helps me go forward and be directed. I love being teacher/president of the young women,i learned a lot from my girls,we had a great time together when we go to Germany,it was last year when i had the opportunity to enter into holy Temple (it was the happiest day of my life). As we allow God to shape our character,we can become strong and accomplish the things the Lord wants us to do. I was thankful for the groups(LDS single mingle/latina Filipino/LDS connect),most of the time i enjoyed posts,scriptures verses,inspiring stories and testimonies,when i help sisters(give them some advice/comfort) i forgot my own problem,with this in mind,let our hearts and hands be stretched out in compassion toward others,for every one is walking his or her own difficult path. As disciples of jesus Christ ,we are called to support,help,serve and heal rather than condemn. As we extend our hand full of love toward each others in Christlike love,something wonderful happens to us. Our own spirit became healed More refined and more stronger .With all my heart and soul i give thanks to our heavenly father for his love for us,for the gift of his son,for all the adversities that keeps me stronger. President Thomas S. Monson reminds us that life was never intended to consists of a glunt of luxury, be an easy course, or filled only with success. There are those games which we lose, those races in which we finished last, and those promotions that never come, such experiences provide an opportunity for us to show our determination and to rise above Lets all be a quality latter day saints be filled with love and charity,we obey and love keeping the commandments,we love keeping the law of chastity and words of wisdom and we love to pay our tithing, he promise us when we obey and do all this things we will be happy not only in this life but life eternally and will inherit his kingdom I bear my personal testimony that god is our heavenly father who loves us so much, i love being member of the church,i know that the book of Mormon is true and jesus Christ is our savior and redeemer, for his life, perfect example to us, for his sinless and selfless love and service, let us commit his hands, that others through us may feel his loving embrace, in the name of jesus Christ,amen.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 06:26:50 +0000

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