Good morning dear friends and family! I went for a walk early this - TopicsExpress


Good morning dear friends and family! I went for a walk early this morning! Hot diggity dog! I have been doing very poorly at getting my exercise in, which is a double whammy against me. Not as good for me physically or mentally, because its so refreshing and clarifying to be out in Gods beautiful world walking, breathing and being in prayer to Him! I turned on my bible ap on my phone and listened to two chapters in Ezekiel and then I got to pray. So, Im getting a grip on my mad. I prayed and pondered as I walked through bright and soggy leaves on our gravel road. I thought about how all of us as parents need to be more like God, our Father, who looks down daily on His children who refuse to obey Him; who dont show an ounce of gratitude for all He has done for us, who use His name as an expletive rather than with reverence and love, who sin against Him and one another all the day long every day. I thought that those things make Him angry too, and thats it understandable to be angry. Its o.k. to be angry, as long as we dont sin along with it. I thought that I just came near to it yesterday. I wanted to post a scathing rebuke on my lost boys wall. I wanted to embarrass him by listing his sins and grievances for all to see for all the hurt he has caused. Hmm...sounds like I didnt come close to sinning, huh? I did sin in my heart. Good gravy, as more things come to light, I have been plumb lit up! But thankfully with a tink of age and wisdom garnered from His word. I kept my fingers and mouth closed and sent a private note to him, kindly and truthfully written. I need to improve. I want to be more like my Father in Heaven with his long suffering and patience, His kindness, goodness, mercy, grace and forgiveness. But good gravy and hot mashed potatoes, its not easy! Work, In. Progress. Yup. Thats me. Anyway, on to a few verses from my morning bible study! Some mens sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after. Likewise also the good work of some are manifest beforehand, and they that are otherwise cannot be hid. 1 Timothy 5:24~25 Summary: God sees every little bitty thing we do, think, say. But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 1 Timothy 6:6~7 We came in with nothing but a soul, and were leaving with nothing but one too. God gave it to us pure and clean, and hes expecting us to return it to Him in just that way! Love you all! Have a blessings full and realized day! I am thankful for YOU!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 16:47:02 +0000

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