Good morning dearest friends. The Jolly, Just-Exhausted - TopicsExpress


Good morning dearest friends. The Jolly, Just-Exhausted Juggler” – Today’s devotional From fun and faith Oh, YOU are a jolly, just-exhausted juggler?? I used to be one; now I watch the rest of you from my recliner….grin! In any event, let’s all run, or drag ourselves, to the Well–the Lord relates too, and is waiting there to impart His Word for our weary souls. We ALL juggle through life, at whatever stage we’re in, so all fellow jugglers, come along with me, and let’s gain strength and rest from Him! Balancing The Juggling Balls of L.I.F.E. L abour “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden… (Matthew 11:28 KJV).” I nner Rest …and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28 KJV).” F un “…the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17 KJV).” E ncouragement “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another, in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord, And whatever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him (Colossians 3:16,17 KJV).” OK, jolly juggler, drop the juggling balls and listen. God is more concerned with the juggler than the juggling! The Master waits to hear us pray, “Lord, teach me how to live in balance…teach me to work and to rest; to play and to serve. Help me to know YOUR priorities, then seek to do them with all my heart!” It’s easy to lose balance–all work and no rest; all service and no fun. But He’s there to remind us all …for we LIVE in Him…and that’s ALL we need! The Master watches us all, through every season of our lives and He loves us still, whatever the season! Sometimes we win–sometimes we lose, and still He watches and loves. We’re His kids; we’re learning…but we LIVE in Him…and that’s ALL we need! And the Master works in us…while we juggle, He teaches – some days we listen better. Some days we learn better. But always He works…in us, for us, through us….it’s worth it–for we LIVE in Him…and that’s ALL we need! We’re all jugglers of LIFE–happy or sad; stressed or serene. alive or dead (dead tired, that is!)! We’re all in life together, performing at our best or our worst…when He’s more interested in who we are than what we do…juggle we must, but He looks at the person, not the performance. I must first BE what He wants me to be; THEN I will DO what He wants me to do. Let’s remember that this week as we juggle the kids, church, home, husbands.... And that’s just a thought or two–from my heart to yours! Scripture: “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:20 KJV).” Prayer: “Lord, help me LIVE and LEARN in You this week–as I work, rest, play, and serve. Teach me to balance my life so I am a complete and whole person in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” GOD BLESS. XXX
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 06:51:39 +0000

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