Good morning everybody. Another busy news week is in the books. - TopicsExpress


Good morning everybody. Another busy news week is in the books. Since Monday we have witnesses a diversion of focus from Texas northward to the Empire State where once again a terrorist act was perpetrated upon law enforcement officials in a subway by a hatchet wielding animal loyal to the ultimate pedophile, Allah. Our news channels were once again saturated with hours of talking heads and their guest pundits analyzing another equally insane attack on the Canadian parliament by a similar, like-minded fool who desired a fast track to his 50+ virgins. Ebola was discovered in New York and two security canines were injured while fending off another hapless, fanatical fence jumper at the White House. My take on all of this aggregately is that the MIC is a complete failure in yet another category; our security and sovereignty as a country. As he continues his tour of fundraisers and rubber chicken $30,000.00 per plate dinners with fellow Bolsheviks, an uneasy American public cowers in emotional fear, wondering whos next. If you are of voting age and plan to punch a ballot 11 days from now, keep the aforementioned in mind. The Democratic party to a man, woman and child has absolutely no intention of altering course and this fundamental change is in the final stages of destroying the free society we currently know, love and enjoy unabated. Mind you; the GOP is not noticeably better as their lackluster congressional and senatorial candidates cringe at the thought of pushing the envelope, taking an alternative position, making a stand and returning us to normalcy. After all, in congress alone, they will once again be presided over by Boehner, a weak cowardly cry baby who dares not assert himself as a leader of the house. So once again we must hold our noses at the polls. Amnesty is next - we all clearly see it coming. The feds just unashamedly printed 9 million (with an M) new green cards this week and laughed off a challenge about why by Major Garret in a news conference yesterday in the White House press room. I can already smell the ink of the MICs pen, ready to stroke the amnesty executive order as newly elected candidates make their acceptance speeches all across the land and hundreds of thousands of lawless criminals who invaded our country will instantly become free soon-to-be citizens, saturating the workplace with a functionally illiterate mob of lazy, uneducated welfare mongers. My only solace personally is to look outside across these beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains and thank God that I am presently somewhat isolated from the mayhem that is sure to ensue in the near future.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 14:03:10 +0000

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