Good morning everybody. I hope you enjoy todays instalment. Have a - TopicsExpress


Good morning everybody. I hope you enjoy todays instalment. Have a terrific Tuesday. Ruby-May fluttered her eyelashes. Hello Englebert, are you ok? He opened his mouth and managed to squeak ys. She looked quizzical. Ys... He gave up and nodded vigorously, blushed cheeks glowing and heart pounding. Oh, you are funny... He nodded vigorously. So, are you ok...? He nodded vigorously and grinned at the group that had gathered. Oh come on Rubes, hes daft as a brush Mary-Grace jeered. He stopped halfway through nodding vigorously and stared at the floor. Oh leave him alone she retorted hes harmless... She turned back to the incapcacitated elf. Well, Ill see you around... Engelbert traced a figure of eight with his foot. The typing pool giggled and in a waft of designer perfume and perfectly coiffured hair they proceeded to the serving stations. Disbelief at the lack of any superfoods soon usurped Englebert as the topic of conversation. Wits returned, he sighed with relief and darted to the nearest empty bench. Considering himself lucky that he had escaped the Typing Pool relatively unscathed he gazed vacantly into the distance pushing the allegedly lovely bean casserole around the plate with his fork. He was soon to regret absentmindedly popping a morsel into his mouth.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:01:23 +0000

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