Good morning everybody. One week to go! I may giggle all day. Hope - TopicsExpress


Good morning everybody. One week to go! I may giggle all day. Hope you enjoy todays instalment. Have a fabulously festive Thursday. Engelbert methodically checked the various components of the heating system and soon located the problem. Reporting back to Matron he assured her the broken parts were easy to replace. Ill have to pop to the stores and grab what I need. But I should be done within an hour when I get back. Matron lost the veil of authority and thanked him profusely. Oh you are wonderful Engelbert, what would we do without you? Engelbert blushed from the bells on his head to the bells on his toes and managed to murmur Tk y and rushed off to get the parts. Arriving at the Stores, Gilbert greeted Engelbert warmly. My word Bert, youre busy this week. What can we get for you this time? Engelbert carefully explained what he needed and waited patiently on the seat provided. Some 15 minutes of crashing and swearing later and Gilbert returned. Here you go Bert. Youre really testing me today. We havent needed a sprocket like that in reindeers years... Anyway, lets hope things settle down again soon for you. These things come in threes you know. Engelbert grinned and agreed with Gilbert. With his heating repairs completed and jobs done for the day Engelbert tucked into his supper and sherry swiftly and returned to his dormitory. Company Delta donned their regulation polka dot pyjamas, folded their uniforms neatly and settled down in their bunks for the night. With the Master running a gruelling schedule at this time of year, the snores soon replaced any idle chatter. Norberts snore started to move the furniture and rattle the windows. As midnight passed, the pale moonlight replaced the lights of the compound as they were extinguished by the patrols. Company Beta tonight. And running meticulouly to time. Engelbert stared idly at the vaulted ceiling and waited patiently.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 08:11:44 +0000

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