Good morning, everyone! Cheyenne asked me to drop back by today - TopicsExpress


Good morning, everyone! Cheyenne asked me to drop back by today and post an excerpt of my new release, Sleeping With Shadows. Ill be giving away 4 copies (either print or kindle) at the end of the day! So here it is. An excerpt from my new release, Sleeping With Shadows (Click on Continue Reading below the link). Heres the link to it on Amazon if youd like to read the blurb or want more info: amazon/Sleeping-Shadows-Tina-Gerow-ebook/dp/B00HZTO9JM/ref=sr_1_14?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1403370141&sr=1-14&keywords=tina+gerow The awareness of someone else in the hotel room slowly filtered through Matt’s layers of unconsciousness until he blinked open his eyes, anticipating what he’d find. Sarah... She’d been inside his dreams tonight, just like she’d been after he walked away from her six years ago when she’d still been in college. She flitted along the edges of his normal dreams--a quick glimpse of her here and there, the musky vanilla scent she always wore hanging on the air, a flash of her smile, dark hair spilling over her shoulders. He’d known she was there, watching his innermost thoughts and subconscious meanderings, but she stayed just out of sight. He’d chased her, of course. But in the end, she’d eluded him--again. Now she curled beside him in bed, snuggled tight against his side, her cheek resting on his shoulder, her head tucked under his chin. Even in the dark, he could make out her familiar features, her pert nose, long, dark lashes and full lips. Logic tried to intrude, tried to remind him that it was physically impossible for her to be here when he knew she was clear across the country, living her own life separate from his. “Matthew?” Both the sleepy relief and the longing inside that simple word quashed his doubts as most of his blood rushed away from his brain, leaving his mouth dry, and his body so suddenly hard he ached. Afraid to move in case the vivid dream evaporated, he held her close, inhaling her musky, vanilla scent, and savoring it like the smoke from the finest cigar. A vivid dream of her was better than no her at all. “I’m here, Sarah. You’re safe.” He wasn’t sure why he’d added the last two words--something in her manner told him she needed comfort just now. He’d always been able to read Sarah’s moods, and she his--which wasn’t always a comfortable sensation. She relaxed against him and threaded her fingers lazily through his chest hair--a familiar gesture that made his heart ache. She laughed, but it wasn’t a happy sound. “I never thought I’d feel safe again. But here with you, I do.” She snuggled closer, and the strong connection that had always existed between them sizzled back to life like an electrical wire, freshly charged. Without thinking, he let the words tumble out as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you, Sarah. Not even me.” At least not again... The thought screamed inside his head along with the sucking weight of guilt that always came with it. A broken sigh escaped from her, and then the telltale hot wetness of tears hit his shoulder and dripped down toward the pillow in a slow trickling path. “It wasn’t you. It was me. I pushed you away, Matthew. And I’ve paid for it every day since.” She curled against him as sobs racked her body, and a tsunami of emotions he thought he’d buried long ago roared to life inside his chest. She had pushed him away. But he’d let her, and then he’d walked away. He wondered if she harbored as many regrets as he did. Apparently her dream image did, or was that just his wishful thinking? “Shhh.” He kissed the top of her head, enjoying the familiar softness of her hair against his lips. “Don’t cry, kiddo. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” The tears continued and he held her tight, forcing himself to stay aware and awake so he could savor every moment with her. With every passing second he expected the dream to break apart and leave him alone and aching for her. When her grip on him finally loosened and her breathing became slow and even, he began to stroke her hair between his first two fingers, letting the soothing texture lull him into unconsciousness. When bright sunlight streamed through the gap in the hotel curtains, he winced away from the light and gasped as his arm came down on a cold, wet patch on the pillow. He jerked away from the sudden sensation as memories of last night flooded back. He sat up in bed, his gaze scanning the room as the sheet slipped down around his waist letting the chill air of the room hit his bare chest. He ignored the sudden rush of gooseflesh as he catalogued the room. Nothing seemed out of place from the standard-issue chest of drawers to his luggage that lay open on the floor near the bathroom. He rolled out of bed and two quick steps took him to the bathroom. Another few steps showed him no one was inside hiding behind the shower curtain. He was totally and completely alone. Back out in the main part of the room, he checked the deadbolt to reassure himself no one could’ve gotten inside, let alone left without him knowing. Disappointment and longing arrowed through him so strong that he sat down hard on the bed as he buried his face in his hands. When the unmistakable scent of her filled his senses, he raised his head and stared at his hands. “Sarah?” he asked the empty room as he glanced around. His gaze fell on the pillow with the dark circle of wetness from her tears⎯and two long dark strands of hair.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 17:12:37 +0000

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