Good morning everyone. I hope that you all are well and in good - TopicsExpress


Good morning everyone. I hope that you all are well and in good health... Ive read a lot of angry & confused posts here within the past few hours and I figure that I would chime in a bit on what I thought of the Boxing Day Parade... Firstly, I would like to say that I AM NEUTRAL and will give NO biased favor to ANY GROUP. I promised that I would have given the most fair assessment I can to the best of my ability. I had the rare opportunity to walk all of the top 4 A category groups from George Street to Rawsons Square on Boxing Day morning. I wanted to see how every group started and how they responded once hitting the actual judging zone. Most junkanooers give their overall assessments of other groups in the hole but honestly this view is very flawed as you arent actually being judged until you past Charlotte Street. ROOTS was phenomenal in terms of Overall Group Costuming. They were the most impressive in this category BY FAR!!! The two issues that I had with them that I thought would cost them dearly was the immobility of a lot of their larger OTS costumes & the major mobility issues they faced with their main lead piece. Also, the group was very top heavy with an overload of costumes at the front of the group. I felt they could have moved their backline up a bit and send some of the dancers to the rear for a more even flow. Their music was pretty good, their girls preformed well, their presentation was nice. I figured that if they werent penalized heavily for their costume woes, they would have won the parade EASILY! PREDICTION AFTER VIEWING: 1st Place THE SAXONS were the weakest of the top 4 groups up front in terms of group costuming. Though the few pieces that they did have were VERY beautiful and colored well, it was very obvious that the group was scraping for dancers & really lacked sufficient CONTENT for a broad theme that was suppose to encompass 50 Years of Tourism in the Bahamas and not just Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival that hasnt even happened here yet. None-the-less the group performed with outstanding energy as expected The choreographed dancers performed well and the music was REALLY good. The presentation was nice & simple but very average. The Saxons also did a great job with avoiding penalties. PREDICTION AFTER VIEWING: 3rd Place ONE FAMILY was very balanced. Their frontline was the best that they have had in many years. They had some very nice costumes for the most part but there were a few that I had no clue as to what they were or actually represented. One Familys music was not the best Ive heard from them but it was the best that I heard out there, though this category was very tightly contested by the Saxons & Roots. Their choreographed dancers were awesome in routine & energy!!! However, their costumes though nice for the theme, werent spectacular. In the areas of overall presentation, execution of theme & performance, One Family was VERY STRONG. Like the Saxons, they also did a very good job with avoiding penalties. PREDICTION AFTER VIEWING: 2nd Place THE VALLEY BOYS though better than the Saxons in overall group costuming, were literally destroyed in performance & energy! Their frontline seemed very sluggish especially on their first lap. Their choreographed dancers were well costumed as expected and this section performed well. The Valleys music was a bit inconsistent and powerful only at intervals... The lead bellers really struggled in costumes that I felt were a bit overbuilt for the task they were meant to perform. They also had some lead costume issues that were very obvious to spectators, and more than likely hurt them as well. The Valley stormed Bay street on their second lap but at that point the damage was already done as the competition out there was too stiff & unforgiving for them to recover... PREDICTION AFTER VIEWING: 4th Place
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 15:58:06 +0000

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