Good morning everyone! I see we are quickly gaining our way to - TopicsExpress


Good morning everyone! I see we are quickly gaining our way to 15,600 members! WOOT! Welcome all new members! If you have not yet filled out our Patient Questionnaire, PLEASE take out 5 minutes of your busy day and please do so! A Patient for us is anyone, of any age, living anywhere, that has an illness or condition that could be assisted by the use of Medical Cannabis. What does this accomplish you ask? First of all it gets you your very own Brick on our Wall! Secondly, with every new Patient we are amassing data to assist Patients, their families and caregivers, and doctors, as well as providing current charts and graphs that can be printed out for all and also sent to our Legislators to assist in changing bad or non existent Medical Cannabis Legislation! Third, you are making us stronger! With each new voice we become louder, a stronger more powerful voice! We NEED you to make this project a success in a timely manner! The Presidential campaigning will begin in earnest early next Fall...We intend to make certain that Medical Cannabis, which is a human rights, compassion and personal freedoms issue will be among the top 5 issues in this important upcoming Presidential election! Also, please remember that we do include those that we have lost on our Wall. Just as we will forever carry them in our hearts and minds, their lives still do matter, so we honor them and their voice, their struggle and their lives on our Wall as well. You can fill out the Registration form for them, and they will be a part of history! When you get your Thank you confirmation at the end of the Registration form, simply click See Other Responses to see all the great info we have! For example, our largest age group of respondents are baby boomers! 50-60 years old. We are also amassing data on which strains work best for particular illnesses. How people are obtaining their medicine. What they are paying for their medicine. Dosage information and delivery information and so much more! SO please check out this valuable info and USE it! HEADS UP! Today is the last day to get your entry in for our first Vap giveaway! In an effort to assist our Patients to become healthier this coming New Year, we have recently opened our own Vap shop! There you will find Nicotine freedom Vaps and Medical Vaps! We just added an awesome 3 n 1 Vap, capable of handling Flowers, Oil and Wax! Everything you would ever need in one sleek quality device! To celebrate we are giving away our first Vap! If they Vap shop does well, we would like to institute a Patient Compassionate Care Program, which would provide from time to time free medical vaps to ill patients in need. This is something we would really like to do, so please know when shopping for yourself or a friend, you are helping others as well and you are helping us build our physical Wall! I currently have the flu..sigh..So Patient updates will be done as I feel well enough to do them..I will get them done soon :) Please note that this time of year can be especially hard on Patients. They may be hurting more because of the weather. They may be alone and missing family and loved ones. Please try to be understanding and share a smile. YOUR smile just may be the very thing that lightens their day and gives them a smile too :) Well folks, need to lay down for a bit... Wishing all a pain free, lovely day. Blessed Be! Dana
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:05:16 +0000

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