Good morning everyone! I was tagged by Kristen Proby, Author - TopicsExpress


Good morning everyone! I was tagged by Kristen Proby, Author Abby McCarthy, and Gretchen de la O to go to my current WIP, go to page 7, line 7 and post 7 lines (I think there are a few more here ;) ) My stomach twisted into the tightest knot as recognition slammed me first somewhere in my subconscious, my throat growing dry when her name formed in my head before it swelled on my tongue. “Aly Moore?” I managed, everything about the question timid and unsure. Well, I wasn’t unsure it was her. There was no question, no doubt. What I wasn’t so sure about was if I should actually stop to talk to her. My heart was already beating a million miles a minute, like a stampeding warning crashing through my body, screaming at my limbs to go and go now. Still, I couldn’t move. Short gusts of sorrow were a feeling I was well-accustomed to, dealing with Stewart and all the sadness his illness brought into my life. But this? Pain constricted my chest, pressing and pulsing in, and I struggled to find my absent breath. God, she looked just like him. I always did my best to keep him from my thoughts, all the memories of him buried deep, deep enough to pretend they’d forever been forgotten, when in reality, everything I’d ever shared with him had been the most vivid of my life. Seeing her brought them all flooding back. His face. His touch. I squeezed my eyes, trying to block them out, but they only flashed brighter. God. “Samantha Schwartz.” My name tumbled from her mouth as if it came with some kind of relief. She stretched out her hand, grasping mine. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it’s you. How are you?” I hadn’t seen her in years. Seven, to be exact. She was only two years younger than me, always sweet. Sweet and smart. Different in a good way, quiet and shy and bold at the same time. I’d always liked her, and some foolish part of me had believed she’d always be a part of my life. I guess I’d taken that for granted, too. But that’s what happens when you’re young and naïve and believe in promises that turn out only to be given in vain. I swallowed over the lump in my throat and forced myself to speak. “I’ve been good. It’s so great to see you.” It was all a lie wrapped up in the worst kind of truth. ~ Come to Me Recklessly hmmm hmmm hmmm ~ who to tag, who to tag? If you havent already posted, lets hear from Rebecca Shea, Tiffany King, and Mia Sheridan
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:05:30 +0000

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