Good morning everyone! Sorry I havent posted in a while, but I - TopicsExpress


Good morning everyone! Sorry I havent posted in a while, but I do have a bunch of pics from this weekend. Sunday, in particular. This weekend, we had two birthday parties to go to. The first one on Saturday was for our great niece, Lilia, who turned three. I only managed to get one picture there. Then Sunday, we had a second party to go to for my nephew, Kadyn, who turned five. His party was at Chuck E Cheese. We werent planning on going to Kadyns party for two reasons. First, there are kids there all the time, and that means germs. For a medically complex child, this time of year is rough. We try not to take him out as much because there are so many more germs out there this time of year. And the second reason was his vision. We arent sure how much he would see because of his cortical visual impairment. That place has three strikes against it for Evan. It is loud, visually complex, and a new place. All three things could make for a VERY unhappy little boy. He did get fussy a good bit, but overall, we think he did pretty well. He looked at a lot of things, which is great, and we even managed to get him out in his gait trainer to walk around there a bit. And his vision wasnt too bad because he walked right over to pappy who was bent down playing a game and he attacked pappy with kisses. So that trip turned out to be good for him after all. And as far as the germs, we were just extra careful about touching him and made sure no one else touched him, to try to keep the germs to a minimum. Have a great day!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 11:29:37 +0000

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