Good morning family and friends. Today is June 9, - TopicsExpress


Good morning family and friends. Today is June 9, 2014. “Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue. God’s voice in response to mine is its most essential part. ~Andrew Murray God works in mysterious ways. Why do some people live to reach a ripe old age, and others die young? It’s an answer that will most likely escape us during our lifetime – – perhaps there isn’t even an answer, just a God-given outcome. Regardless, we all will have our own “outcome” of which we cannot predict -- just accept. I am so pleased that one of my dear friends, Jack Eskridge, has been given a positive prognosis after learning that he has Mantel Cell Lymphoma – cancer. With his loving daughters Abby and Sarah by his side, he had to endure the “wait and see” procedure of taking tests and waiting for his fate. The lump he felt indeed was cancer, but through the grace of God, he caught it in time, and it had not spread. Praise the Lord -- now he and his family can breathe as he takes his treatments! When I hear good news such as this, it warms my heart – – good things DO happen to good people, and Jack is high on the list of good people. I’m sure that all of the prayers that were sent on his behalf had a lot to do with his encouraging results. I’m a firm believer in the power of prayer -- after all, I’m a living testament to it. I am watching my granddaughter learn to ride her bicycle and play baseball, and I’m seeing my grandson perform at an end-of -the year program at his preschool – – something that one year ago I did not believe I would be here to do. Yes, God works in mysterious ways, and Jack and I are on the receiving end of it – – in our own separate ways… Dying – – it’s not just a fate for people. Why does one tree live to reach a ripe old age and another tree simply dies? I pose this question as our majestic maple tree is showing signs of disease. This tree has sheltered our property for as long as I can remember, but for some reason this spring it barely bloomed, and the trunk is rotting. This is so sad to me because it always has been vibrant as it stood in our front yard shading our home during the noon hour. What went wrong to make it become sick? There were no symptoms of anything being wrong last fall as it lost its colorful leaves in a timely manner. It’s as if its sudden demise is a mirror image of my own life. No warning, no symptoms ... Just blindsided illness. I surmise that the Lord works in His mysterious ways with all of his creations… Oh out of the mouths of babes! Sometimes kids say the darndest things, and you just can’t help but laugh. Addi has a birthday coming up relatively soon – – July 3 to be exact -- so I have been asking her what she would like for her birthday. Oftentimes, she sees commercials on the Nickelodeon channel advertising fun items, and sure enough, she made a birthday request. I must admit the juggle bubble does look pretty cool! When the commercial was on, she was telling me to grab a pen so I could write down the information on how to purchase it, but unfortunately I was nowhere near a pen when the information was flashed across the TV screen. However, I am a seasoned TV shopper -- they don’t call me the Ronco Queen for nothing – – and I can usually recall the information that I need to make any purchase that catches my eye. (Many years of experience have perfected my technique, shall we say…) Well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I do believe Addi has inherited my tactical shopping skills -- being rather primitive at this stage of her life. When we were having a conversation about the juggle bubble with my daughter Nicole, Addi promptly told her that Nana and Grandpa were going to make the purchase for her birthday and that all I needed to do was go online to jugglebubble and ask for the juggle bubble. She went on to say that it was very important for me to do this online because this purchase could not be found in any store – – and that I kind of blew it by not purchasing it at the time that the commercial was on. After all, as she said – BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE -- if I had purchased it within the next 10 minutes of the commercial, I would have gotten a second one for free! Wow – – what a deal! Addi knows how much I love a bargain, so she knew by not having that pen handy that it cost me a good deal! Oh for the love of God -- Nicole and I just laughed under our breath as we experienced our little girl’s first experience in bargain-hunting! And so it has started… Oh yes, I see the birth of another Ronco Queen, and I couldn’t be prouder! Won’t she be surprised when she opens up not one – – but TWO -- juggle bubbles on her birthday! How the heck could that happen?! Ha! Wishing you great opportunities on this marvelous Monday – – don’t pass on something that you will later say, “I should have…” Life comes equipped with bargaining power – – use it! Love to all… EXCERPT from “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young: “June 9: Seek to live in My love, which covers a multitude of sins: both yours and others’. Wear My Love like a cloak of Light, covering you from head to toe. Have no fear, for perfect Love decimates fear. Look at other people through lenses of Love; see them from My perspective. This is how you walk in the Light and it pleases Me. I want My body of believers to be radiant with the Light of My Presence. How I grieve when pockets of darkness increasingly dim the Love- Light. Return to Me, your First Love! Gaze at Me in the splendor of holiness and My Love will once again envelop you in Light.”
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 11:31:43 +0000

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