Good morning fb. I just feel like God wants me to say something - TopicsExpress


Good morning fb. I just feel like God wants me to say something today. I read all messages posted and see how many post Bible verses. This is not meant to point fingers or hurt in ones feelings because we have all sinned. As a society we have become very self centered and selfish. We have lost the love for our fellow man. We do not care as we once did for or neighbors or friends. Let alone family or those in need. We say things like i wish i could help or i would help you if i could but i am doing all i can just to keep my family going. What has happened to living by all of the bible teaching we grow up with and how are we raising an teaching our children? What happened to love thy neighbor as thy self or the golden rule or it is more blessed to give than to receive. God can not bless us like he wants to if we dont do our part. You may have only a little or just enough for your family but you will never have more than that if you dont change. It is even possible for God to take what you do have and give it to someone else. Read the story in the Bible about the talents. I was always taught that we can never out give God what has happened to that. I also know that we are to depend on God and not people because people will fail us but God will never fail us. I guess that is enough for now and may God bless
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 13:27:59 +0000

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