Good morning fb friends! Please be patient with me as I am - TopicsExpress


Good morning fb friends! Please be patient with me as I am dedicating this evening after my meeting, Thursday, and Friday to a time of prayer and completely answering the growing e-mail questions and prayer requests, as well as the notes and cards handed to me before my departure. The convention, 3 radio programs, KTN TV testimony, and the final day of counseling greatly increased the number of serious emails and social media private messages to unbelievable amounts in the growing hundreds, and since the media are being heard daily through online and we reposted the KTN video even yesterday I received over 36 more serious emails (even from the USA) from this very small portion of my testimony that I share as God leads me. Both men and women are contacting me and I am so grateful that when God revealed I would need to share this testimony on the radio on this trip, I was obedient! We have no idea how God wants to move in peoples lives but obedience is so key and when the radio host asked where did it all start, I heard The Holy Spirit say, GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING, THAT IS WHERE IT BEGAN WITH YOU AS I WAS THERE! So the rest is history! I am sensing the time is coming upon me to soon begin the book From Shame to Victory which is the title for my own life story which I have been waiting to begin until God revealed the marker that would let me know His set time had come. While I believe there will be more to add as my story unfolds, its time to birth the beginning of this book! I also want to say I appreciate so many of the comments I have received also from those who were greatly blessed from the convention, the Pastors who have contacted me and those salvations who have followed up with me as I asked. As I said publically, I DO NOT COME TO YOU AS AN AMERICAN MOTHER OR SOME KIND OF PREACHER CELEBRITY, for you have great mothers right in Africa doing powerful works that supercede much of what you see on American Christian TV., and none of us need a preacher celebrities to speak to us, but rather AMBASSADORS for Christ. However, I come to you as a daughter of Africa who returns home in humility and grace both releasing what God has put in me for my African family of God, as well as receiving the GREAT and VAST wisdom and inspiration that I gain from my co-laborers concerning sacrifice, commitment, discipline, and dedication to the call of God! Its amazing how much I am like an African in the country I live in. When in Africa and Asia, I see clearly that my uniqueness at home is because of my calling to the globe and it causes me to embrace that uniqueness and simplicity (as you call it in Africa) with joy, instead of wondering why am I so different than so many of my co-laborers here in the USA. I am telling you I love you all with a serious love and it becomes hard to stay away for months as I continually see my work in Africa is actually more impactful and received than in my own country! However, God is in control! Again God bless and if you have contacted me I will be in touch! WITH GREAT LOVE, HOPE!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:19:25 +0000

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