Good morning, fellow Elder Minions, 2 things: I’ve exchanged - TopicsExpress


Good morning, fellow Elder Minions, 2 things: I’ve exchanged some messages with Jeff Crank since his coverage last Saturday morning of the El Paso County Sheriff’s race, which included Bill’s call. Jeff is interested in finding truth in this case, and I am expecting he’ll be covering the story again tomorrow morning on KVOR 740. His normal show time is: 6 to 9. Last week he got to it in the last hour when he probably has more listeners, but I haven’t heard any promos. Anyway if the subject comes up as I suspect, there may be opportunities for Minions to call Jeff and tell him why we believe in Bill and are supporting him for El Paso County Sheriff. Yesterday a posting titled “Important Message” from Sheriff Maketa was posted on The 9-12 Project – Colorado Chapter Facebook Page. It is a direct endorsement of John Anderson with some words about how he chose to come in because of who the other 2 candidates were. This morning I see that it seems to have been taken directly from a 3 March posting on the Sheriff Terry Maketa Facebook Page. Sometime back, I was asked to be a sanctioned contributor to the Colorado 9-12 page. So I spent some time yesterday evening crafting MY RESPONSE TO EL PASO COUNTY SHERIFF MAKETA’S “IMPORTANT MESSAGE” I tried to choose my words carefully to stay within Bill’s guidelines of keeping on the high road, so I stayed pretty close to old Sergeant Friday’s “Just the facts, ma’am. Just the facts.” I was able to take advantage of the 2 recent articles in the Gazette to let them tell the story that there is quite a different side than the current sheriff’s ringing endorsement of the previous sheriff. NOTE: Looks like he actually made his original posting on Monday, but it didn’t show up there until yesterday. So I made the point in my response that it might have been inspired by the Caucus straw poll Tuesday night with the 73-26-5 spread. But the sheriff’s original posting was done before. Anyway if you want to see the sheriff’s views and my response, you can search Facebook for The 9-12 Project – Colorado Chapter Those currently are the first 2 postings. Personal question for any Legal Beagles among the Minion crowd: Is it legal for an elected official at this level to endorse a candidate for office on a Facebook site that is titled with his official rank, i.e., Sheriff Terry Maketa? Certainly when I was on active duty with the US Air Force back about the time the Facebook founder was born, it would have been against military regulations and perhaps federal law for me to have endorsed a candidate on anything labeled the Colonel Jimmie H. Butler whatever. Just curious. Jimmie To learn more about candidate Bill Elder, search YouTube for: Bill Elder Sheriff 2014
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 14:11:51 +0000

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