Good morning folks! So first things first, I want to apologize. - TopicsExpress


Good morning folks! So first things first, I want to apologize. (This is long, it would mean a lot to me if you read it all). Seriously. I know that the Life with DJ page is EXTREMELY active, in that it seems I post something at least once or twice an hour. I apologize as I know this can probably get frustrating. It my hope that you can understand that as of recently its due purely to do how proud I am of what Ive done, and the steps Ive taken to professionally establish Life with DJ beyond just some bum and a camera. Life with DJ isnt just about me anymore, its about mankind and the mutual characteristics and struggles that we as people go through equally regardless of class. I dont want to sound demeaning, but dont you get it? Life with DJ has achieved something no one else has ever done. Bridged a connection that associates all people equally regardless of social status by exposing our mutuality! Can you understand my enthusiasm? Ive finally consciously chosen to stop putting off LWDJ like its just me and my camera. I finally decided that acting as if LWDJ were just that, Im putting down all of those people who have ever emailed me or contacted me in some way to tell me how much they appreciate what I do, or ask me for advice, or just tell me about things to get it off their chests. People not only see Life with DJ for what it currently is, but the dedicated see it for what I hope it to be. When my dedicated viewers watch my videos, they know where Ive been, what Ive done, what Im going through, and why Im going through it. They see my vision, my hopes, and the talent I have to offer behind the camera. They know that I truly want to help people and have Faith in my ability to do so. So I hope you can all forgive me for being so eager to share every little change I make with the LWDJ site, and so forth. I really am sorry. But Life with DJ means so much to me, and Ive got so much put into it not just emotionally and mentally but physically and financially too. I realized that Ive put 2 years of my life into Life with Dakotah Jennings, every single one of my good and bad times over the course of those two years, and over $6,000 invested in equipment, software, travel and now establishment. I cant just sit around and no longer acknowledge the sacrifices Ive made to make Life with DJ happen. Things like surviving off a can of chili or a package of ramen noodles a day for MONTHS just so that I can spend what little money I make into improving Life with DJ. Ive sacrificed everything for this dream. In closing Id just like to thank whoever took the time to sincerely read through this. I may have 237 likes, and I may get 35+ people to see this, but in reality I have to face the truth that only about 5-7 of you will actually read this. So thank you, seriously, you have no idea. Lastly. It really would mean the world to me if you would tell your friends and family about lifewithdj . You dont have to tell them about what I do, you dont have to fill in all the blanks, you dont have to do anything. But if you enjoy what I do, if you can see the vision, the dream that I see, just tell them what you think of it, and encourage them to check out lifewithdj and allow the website to do its job by filling in the blanks for them. I just dont have the money to spend on serious advertising ($20/day Facebook+ other social medias). So my only hope is a stack of 100 business cards and YOUR word of mouth. So please, tell your friends to check it out! I love you guys. Seriously. Those of you who read this whole thing. YOU believe in me, everyone else just liked my page because someone told them to, or because they felt bad for me. But YOU liked it because you understand what LWDJ is all about.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:35:33 +0000

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