Good morning folks ...just a thought on character ,personality and - TopicsExpress


Good morning folks ...just a thought on character ,personality and looks As bodybuilders we are concerned with how we look the size , development and definition of our bodies but what kind of person are we underneath the Body ? Are we inner good ? or inner bad ? meaning how do we think ? ,, how do we treat others? and remember we cant always please everyone, for every one person we help there will Always be that one person we didnt help who bares a grudge and holds it against us ,,complains about not being helped ,,,what we should have done for them ,,not want any body to help us for not helping them and resent any thing good we do ,anyway what kind of person are you under the body are you self motivated to do the things you need to do, do you need to rely on others to push or motivate you ,,do you consider the feelings of others or is it always about how and what you need to feel ? bodybuilders are often accused of being self centred and selfish and some even admit to being that ,,would you say that is you ? Anyway the purpose of this post is to highlight the importance of how we carry ourselves ,what we show on the surface is often what we are judged by and first impressions can have lasting impressions on others if people judge you wrong take a thought to think what am I showing ? are they stereotyping me ? or is it what am showing ,,the aura am giving off are they picking up on the mood am in ,as much as we might mind our own business others often dont and the fact that some of us are bigger at 15 stone and so on then the average non trainer who weighs the same we will be noticed so each individual should take responsibility for how they carry and represent themselves and what others see coming from Them ,just a thought based on how I have been perceived and others recently and giving weight to both sides of the argument we can always call others jealous and that will always exists we can call them haters or whatever but the good in a person will always be recognised by the important people in our lives so in conclusion what you show on the surface is what others first see and decide if they like or dont like you ,,will help or not help you not saying to be someone one your not but let what you show on the surface be a reflection of the real Inner person you are remember you are a person ( human being ) first a bodybuilder second make a good impression of yourself so others can be good to you love peace
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 09:56:25 +0000

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