Good morning, friend, and fellow progressive , smart and - TopicsExpress


Good morning, friend, and fellow progressive , smart and intelligent , wise and disciplined trekker. Here! To all who have been following the pipeline issue, an important message, and a warning. This message will be repeated until it becomes important enough to affect it positively. Share it across Canada! LNG! (Liquid Natural Gas) It has to be liquefied, which can be shipped and is not dependent on pipelines. The LNG will be moved like nothing ever seen in this country, on rails. The oil industry is gasping. That leads to two different scenarios going down - one, gas and one, oil. DRILLING IS GOING TO BE INTENSIFIED IN THE ARCTIC AND FRACKING IS GOING TO BE QUADRUPLED. They will not let up on the pipelines, however, will lean more on gas right now. As Native People, there is something we must do to affect this travesty. 1. Make and increase the noise. Loud enough for them to hear. 2. Do not give up, do not pipe down and never be quiet 3, Make it LOUD, JOYFUL and make it SOLAR 4. COMMODIFY SOLAR - there is serious money to be sunk into research and development which the oilers are too stunned to understand. There is no need to wait as the sun shines everyday. The recognition that renewables are rising in terms of impact of issues and high uncertainty is growing. The awareness of renewables as an energy factor is huge, and they just dont know what to do with it. We make it our imperative to know what to do with it. There are millions of dollars in this. But, first, lets get the show on the road. We know what they are up to. BUT, we ALSO force the alternatives and renewable sources of energy on them, with class, with aplomb, and never taking NO for an answer! No violence, no fear, and no permission. If they want us as business people, we show them we are and we are without peer. SOLAR! WIND! GEOTHERMAL! REAL TECHNOLOGY THAT DOES NOT HARM THE LANDS AND WATERS! (This is important - we have to argue from a solution-oriented direction, which leads them to think our way!) DO NOT WAIT FOR THEIR BRAND OF BUSINESS BUT GO BETTER! (The O&G business is being allowed too much when Native communities that will be affected have to wait for, and accept, their benevolence).
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 13:54:21 +0000

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