Good morning friends, I have an appeal... Its not an appeal to - TopicsExpress


Good morning friends, I have an appeal... Its not an appeal to join anything, or attend anything but to be gathered to God. Things are changing fast in the earth and are about to move faster. Just in basic observation and conversation, it is obvious that we are self-centered, most of us detached with just a shade of faith being our reality. We give God an occasional nod. There is increased doctrines going out justifying our materialism and self-centeredness. Of course God loves you, but He also wants you. I seek God to the level that I know how right now. I also heed the prophets (those that Ive recognized to be). There are few that are legitimately carrying the right now word of The Lord from my estimation. I am not a gloom and doomer, but our nation is in for severe judgment and in fact, it has already started. I know the images that enter the mind when the term judgment is used, but judgment and wrath are two different things. Although judgment can seem pretty severe, it is God sorting and often applying necessary discipline to avoid wrath. Judgment is mercy. King David said, The judgments of The Lord are to be desired. We are in a spiritual whirlwind. There is crazy activity going on and many of you are completely oblivious to it. You are in a battle, some of you are already casualties, but so earthly minded that you dont realize that your eternity is in jeopardy. You may not agree with that doctrinally, but God is not doctrinal, He is relational. Read the Book. Many are holding on to bitterness, unforgiveness and opinion that is absolutely eroding away at your relationship with God. Stop it. This letter is going out to many people in all kinds of walks, at all kinds of different spiritual levels and I am in no position to judge whos where in these levels. But there is One Who is and He is. VERY FEW people seek The Lord. We are on the brink of multiple major catastrophes like the world, more specifically our nation has never seen. I believe at least some of it can still be averted. I dont know how much time we have before the chain of events will begin, but I can tell you that its not enough. Discipline has been appointed to our nation. I dont believe it is Gods hand being dropped on us, but just the contrary. He has been holding off our reaping by His own hand of protection. He loves this nation. But His hand is being lifted for us to reap what we have sown because of our national rejection of Him and celebration of vanity, evil and abomination. Our consciences are not only immune to it, but we celebrate it and support it. Im talking about the church. God help us! Though I realize that this letter is heavy, overall I consider myself a supreme optimist. But I have blaring alarms going off inside of my heart. We will see the harvest of all things sown into the earth. My friends, the disciple that youve always wanted to become (or at least I hope you have) has to come to the fore now. We have no time to waste. There is supernatural interaction with God for all of those who will believe and pursue, not as we have ever seen it, but beyond. The days ahead will require it. Many will die in the days ahead, many carnal, vain, self-centered, pastime Christians will die. Many will go to hell, because though they have proclaimed Christian values with their mouths, they have lived their lives in agreement with the powers of darkness. Their faith is a philosophical, not a life; it is of the head, not the heart. They are delusional, and they are mocked in the spiritual realm by the powers of darkness that have skillfully deceived them. Its real. If you have a chill out Randy response to this message, its okay, they had the same response to Noah. The movie Noah was largely a farce and poor representation of the real thing, but the timing of that movie is not. It is a sign. Remember God sometimes used the Godless to speak for Him because His people were too dull of hearing. Jesus said, As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in days of the coming of The Lord.... read on, see if were there. Im not trying to gather you to another deal, or to an organization or church.... this is much bigger than that. I am very intently trying to gather myself, my family and all I have influence with to THE ARK, The Lord Himself. If My people, who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and heal their land. Whether you are in church, out of church or in spite of church. Its time for us to come higher, right now! Its time to re-prioritize right now. Everything is about to change. When 9/11 happened, our county had a mass return to The Lord, the next Sunday, the churches were filled to over capacity..... for only one Sunday, then we went back into self-centeredness. The same is true for Katrina. Im not saying that God did either of these, but we definitely werent protected or at least not fully protected. We have had wake-up call after wake-up call; extended mercy upon extended mercy... thats Gods way. But our time is up. If He continually delays, we will completely self-destruct. We, as a nation have become increasingly degenerate. Celebrating and practicing wickedness while the pulpits are saying dont worry, were covered, grace will cover it all!... Itching ear hireling preachers proclaiming doctrines of devils. It will cover it all, if we turn and seek His face. It will cover and eradicate. He loves us too much to leave us where we are. Romans says behold the kindness and the severity of God. Jesus says of our generation, you are neither hot or cold, I would that you are are hot or cold, but because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth. You say we are rich and increased with goods having need of nothing and dont realize that you are poor, miserable, blind and naked. I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed (we are not covered); and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.” Im not trying to be dramatic. This is actually very subdued compared to what Im seeing and feeling. Please, dont dismiss this. Take some time, go somewhere quiet and ask Him yourself if Im telling the truth. We do not have more time to waste. Im sorry. Paul said, I beseech you by the mercy of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service of worship (That is true worship, not 5 songs on a Sunday), and DO NOT BE CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD, BUT TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND, so that you can prove what the will of God is, that which is good, acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12). So that I dont come off as some kind of self-righteousness, arrogant whatever... let me just say that I fight my own battles with carnality, self-centeredness and vanity. I struggle with hearing the voice of God and with being preoccupied with busyness. But I do seek God and I see and hear this call out. I dont think that I can answer it on my own, I need friends to answer it with me, to challenge me and encourage me and forgive me and me them. But I will try it alone if I have to... though none go with me, still I will follow .... How bout it? thank you for reading, Randy
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:35:59 +0000

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