Good morning friends! Its a clinic day for our girl and as always - TopicsExpress


Good morning friends! Its a clinic day for our girl and as always we ask for prayer and Gods provision over her day. Its a count check and chemo day for Avery. We have been checking her numbers every two weeks for her perfect range. Today may be the day she gets to full dose on both of her at home chemos. We shall see. This is good and brings a little anxiety as well. We want her on all the medicine and at the dose she needs, but its hard not to think about the summer she had with 2 separate hospitalizations at full dose chemo. And as cold and flu season are here, she needs all the protection we can give her. Getting a cold is just a big deal for her and if it comes with fever, any reserve immunity she has gets wiped out and we start over with no chemo and zero counts. We ask to pray for a divine hedge of protection around our whole family but especially Ave! So as of today, we would love perfect numbers but to get those perfect numbers, she has to get accessed. My heart races thinking about last time and the 4 attempt process it took. I realize that the previous 100 attempts mostly went without issue, but the last one is on my mind!!! Please just pray for this specifically that it goes without complication and only takes one stick. Avery will get chemo and we ask for no reactions or issues with that. She will also get her breathing medication and shes not the biggest fan of it please pray for that to go smoothly. And please pray for all of it to go smoothly without me being there. This will be the first clinic visit I have missed since her diagnosis. I may be able to pop my head in a few times but I will still be in orientation and will not be there for the majority. I know her daddy will be able to handle it and I know Avery will be able to handle it without me but I have a slight control issue and would much rather be there for her. Thankfully I will be nearby and if theres any problems getting accessed I can come be with her. And lastly please pray for all of our friends: some are having a really rough time right now and need divine healing touch and some are doing amazing and we pray for continued amazement. Some will be with us in clinic today which will make it a fun day but please just pray for the many many many families on their own pediatric cancer journey. Its not rare!!! Gods Got This!!! Nine months left!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 12:19:53 +0000

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