Good morning friends and how was your night? It’s my pleasure to - TopicsExpress


Good morning friends and how was your night? It’s my pleasure to share with you all some beneficial health tips in our “HELATHWISE LADY” section. The health condition I shall be talking about today is Body Odour. Body Odour, also known as Bromdidrosis or Ozochrontia, is a perceived unpleasant smell human bodies give off when bacteria that live on the skin break down sweat into acids. Body odour usually becomes evident if measures are not taken to curb it and begins at puberty. People who are obese, poor hygiene, those who regularly eat spicy foods, individuals with diabetes and people who sweat too much are more susceptible to having Body Odour. The major areas in which Body Odour can occur include: the feet, groin, armpits, genitals, pubic hair, belly button, anus and behind the ears. Let us note that each person’s body odour can be influenced by gender, health condition and medication. Two types of acids are usually produced when there is Body Odour: Propionic acid, which has a vinegar-like smell and Isovaleric acid which is produced by the bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis. Some medical conditions may alter the rate at which a person sweats. For example, Hyperthyrodism, a disease condition in which the thyroid gland is overactive can make people sweat excessively. People with diabetes normally generate a fruity smell, while in patients with kidney disease, a bleach-like smell is produced. You should see your doctor when you notice the following: You start sweating much more than normal without logical reasons; You have cold sweats; Sweating disrupts your daily routine; Your body sweat smells differently e.g a fruity smell or bleach-like smell. Here are some therapies to curb Body Odour. The first therapy is to keep your armpits clean by washing regularly using anti-bacterial soap. By so doing, this will reduce the number of bacteria under the armpit thereby reducing the odour. You can take your bath twice daily as this helps to reduce sweating and bacteria build up. It has been discovered that hair under the armpits slow down the evaporation of sweat. Therefore, it has been advised medically, that you can shave the hair under your armpit to reduce body odour. Also, Deodorants have been found to be helpful in controlling armpit Body Odour. This is because they create an acidic environment which makes it difficult for the bacteria to thrive. For areas such as the feet, it is advisable to remove your shoes when you are in the office, so as to allow ventilation in the shoes, thereby preventing your feet and shoes from smelling. Wishing you a blessed day! Beesoyeh Deborah
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 09:32:00 +0000

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