Good morning from the Sierra Nevada range of California, USA. - TopicsExpress


Good morning from the Sierra Nevada range of California, USA. Thank you for the add! Ive *finally* got my very own good starter going, and have been a whole wheat bagel-makin fool for the past two weeks. (My husband really loves bagels.) But man and woman shall not live on bagels alone, and so I want to start making some of my/our favorite breads using my sourdough. Right now Im just adapting recipes from Joy of Cooking, so heres my first effort at Joys original white bread recipe. In the meantime, heres the Joy of Cooking white bread loaf. Kinda ugly, but we definitely find it tasty and I like the crumb, especially in the context of a sandwich that doesnt necessarily want a fully sour flavor or texture of the more rustic sourdoughs. The rises took an almost interminably long time. I now believe that may have to do with the amount of salt in the recipe because I havent had to wait that long for rising when I first tried using the starter in a basic sourdough recipe (again, from JoC). I could be wrong, so my starter will be getting another feeding today and Ill take another whack at it. I know I can do better than this, even though its tasty its also a bit of a flat loaf. I only find a handful of recipe files here in the group, but am always on the lookout, so.. well, you know! Its clear there are some *amazing* bakers here in this group, and I aspire to create such sustenance and beauty. Thanks again!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:37:49 +0000

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