Good morning good people, here is about my Chiredzi trip last - TopicsExpress


Good morning good people, here is about my Chiredzi trip last week, my friend who complained about my infrequent posts should love this looong one! Thursday and Friday I went to Hlanganani and Chiredzi, having gone to meet a group of youth wanting to get into our microfinance project, because I was travelling I could not log on my my facebook account and I was missing a very interesting discussion about my status that I had posted on Wednesday, anyway enough of that and more about the Chiredzi trip. I was to meet the first group Thursday at 12, I arrived at a place(Masekesa) where I got off the bus at 1150am and still had to travel for 5kms on foot to go to Hlanganani.The sight of two guys riding bicycles made me immediately think of borrowing a cycle I immediately stopped one of the guys and managed to convince him to trust me with his valuable possession(Chiredzi is flat area and a bicycle is an asset), $2 changed hands and I was on my way to Hlanganani. The ride was safe save for one incident worthy mentioning. I had been cycling for about 10mins(I am pretty good at it, I was riding a bicycle to and from school for 4years) when ,at the corner of my eye, I saw two school kids(maybe form 3) seated in a very compromising position, actually the girl was seated at his boyfriend’s lap, I quickly braked and gave them my piece of mind, I am that “old fashioned” type that is not comfortable with school kids dating and being “physical”, after a minute or two I rode my bike again and was about to leave when I overheard the boyfriend saying something to the effect that I shouldn’t bother them since it was their time, I quickly took offense and got off my bike, going straight for the guy, I did not get chance to grab him since they all fled into the bush(plan was to get his name from his book, the headmaster is a friend of mine and would have disciplined the pair), I took off again, furious now, and it was when I was thus preoccupied that I approached a turn and saw a flock of goats a little too late, I should have done better than approaching that turn peddling as fast as I was doing, I tried to avoid the goats and braking at the same time but the bicycle had a mind of its own, I fell like a sack of maize. I quickly dusted myself but the shirt was so dirty that I had to change it, luckily no one was there to laugh at me. When I arrived at Hlanganani I heard that the guys I wanted to see had been calling and had decided to wait for me at Mareya , 5kms away, they had done that wanting to save me the trouble of travelling the 6kms since there is a car that goes to Mareya, I was now an hour late and still had to ride for another 20 or so mins. I saw a motorbike parked at the car park and when I asked i heard that a school kid used the motorbike to and fro home, I asked to see him, $5 changed hands again and I was riding to Mareya within 5mins. I like motorbikes generally and it did not take me 10mins to arrive. The meeting went well , and after the meeting I checked to see whether the bicycle ahad been delivered then I proceeded by bus to Chiredzi, some 60kms from Mareya. Everytime I go Chiredzi I love sleeping at Mr Chitesa, he is an elderly man who is a mine of wisdom, after meeting him for an hour I thought of calling a certain gentleman whom I had met a month ago on Lions club business. I am president at our Mutare Club and at one time this gentlemen came to our club asking that we take over a club in Mozambique(we are 10kms from the border) and I was the point man from our club,I remember waiting for him till 9pm and entertaining him till around 11pm, albeit my tiredness, he is a Lions club member in Chiredzi . The guy answered the call and would not hear that I wanted to sleep elsewhere, he said he was driving to pick me right away, I was at his place within mins, after having dinner we talked for some minutes, I was tired and yet he talks, that one!, I did not know that he owns a nice lodge and he drove me to the place, where I was given the freedom of the lodge, I slept immediately after. It was around 7am the following morning when his booming voice awoke me, after explaining how my programme was like(I wanted to meet some people before going back to Mutare)he said he will organise that his son drives me, some mins later his daughter came,she explained that he had gone to Hippo Valley , of course I will not say much about her, I am married hey lol, I thought she would come in a little vitz, or raum but oh, a Merc Benz c200 compressor which she asked that I drive, I was on the wheel in no time and enjoying the ride, you guys should not be surprised if you hear that I am going to Chiredzi every month! Oh and I should quickly mention that when I met some guys that I wanted to see I quickly explained that the lady was my friend’s daughter lest they would start having ideas, I really enjoyed Chiredzi and you guys should understand that its good to be a Lion, and even better to be a President of a club. The journey back was uneventful, I was dozing almost all the way and arrived Friday evening
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 08:28:17 +0000

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