Good morning here from the a bright but cold Monday as I sit here - TopicsExpress


Good morning here from the a bright but cold Monday as I sit here in the usual fashion back on Facebook with you. S is still critically poorly and her husband M wanted me to say thank you for the thoughts and prayers so many of you offered. So what else has happened this past week. Well my daughter came home from school extremely proud that she had been chosen to play the part of Mary in the traditional English school nativity. I say traditional if you except the PC changes that have overtaken so much of the world . I will of course be a very proud Dad when I see her perform, she is a stage girl for sure. However, while I’m as protective as the next parent, even I can see society’s pedophile obsession is getting ridiculous. I am sure that when Kye has her big part and tells Joseph she has a bun in the oven and that because there is no room in the Bethlehem Holiday Inn they should sleep in a barn and I try and take a photo that a another parent will shout “Hey! Put that camera away. You can’t photograph your kid dressed as Mary for ‘child protection’ reasons.” This is of course bollocks because the school will charge me 10 pounds for the whole event. Why can we not take photos of my daughter and Joseph ( or Callum as he is sometimes called) when anyone could do that on the street with a long lens? I am sure that bastard low life scum pedophiles are too busy on the dark side of the interweb to be bothered with kids dressed in bed sheets singing Away In A Manager. Our five year old daughter is being taught at school all about stranger danger and how to say no. A happy little trusting girl is being converted to a suspicious little soul just in the extremely unlikely event that she comes across an nasty person. I realise there are some bastards out there and as parents we need to be vigil but no photos at school plays and at swimming pools and lessons at 5 about the dangers of strangers........... we are truly creating a very sad society indeed. OK, I just answered Sand Sauers question and will use that as a starting point today. My usual apologies to those who need to re-post and my humble and sincere thanks to those who helped me by forwarding you requests. I had better crack on. cheers
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:07:14 +0000

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