**Good morning its hump day, were halfway there** 1. I had - TopicsExpress


**Good morning its hump day, were halfway there** 1. I had placenta previa in my previous pregnancy and learnt from the doctor today I have a higher chance of getting it again compared to someone who hasnt had it. My question is who has had it twice in a row and was your pregnancy more difficult second time round ? 2. What methods do you use to descale electric steriliser? 3. looking for ideas on where to buy a pretty and warm outfit for my DD for the wedding? 4. Just wondering what other 7month old babies routines are like. When they wake, how much they eat & when, when they have a nap etc 5. My 5 mth old is waking 3-4 times a night & Im feeding him right away as I dont want him to wake my toddler. My question is how long before I should be weaning him off at night, or trying to settle him without feeding. Is he still young or Am I creating a bad habit by putting him on boob even if hes possibly not hungry, 6. Just a funny question about farting, my bub is turning 7 months this week and he farts through out the days... not frequently but sometimes can be up to 10 times a day. is this normal? Hows other bub farting frequency like?? 7. How long does the 9 month sleep regression last?? My little boy was sleeping though from 6.5 months till 8.5 months. Now for the last 4 weeks has been waking 2-4 times a night. Sometimes cuddles and dummy works but most times will feed at least one of the wakings. Could also be teething. My mantra is this time shall pass! 8. Anyone got ideas for getting rid of severe wind pain for bubs ? Tried EVERYTHING Gripe water and wind drops barely help either
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 23:10:30 +0000

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