Good morning kings and Queens and what a blessing it truly is to - TopicsExpress


Good morning kings and Queens and what a blessing it truly is to be standing stronger then yesterday ! Thanking God first and foremost as always . Today Id like to get extra feedback from a still divided people.... if I may ? Ill give my view of thought then Ill like to hear some feedback on the subject at hand as well as interjections of finer points which need addressing in our society ... Okay heres the outline ! Our nation is falling in spite of !? Now my opinion follows ..._______. In spite of Malcolm X , Martin Luther King Jr. , Rosa parks , Mandela and so many others whom built their life on saving a struggling people we continuously inflict harm on one another with no regard to life after all the great leaders who lost their life fighting for our freedom as well as taking a stand for our rights as we should be considered as equal hummmm .. Im starting to understand the deeper cry ! You see it isnt about being equal its solely about understanding the difference while striving for better with ones self . Acknowledging all thats been written as well as all thats been marched for or against our communities continue to fall short of a crucial insight which is applying whats fruitful and deleting faulty measure of twisted error and fortified truths ! Whewww I almost there ! To be equal is to be as one with no unique quality of self image ! Id Prefer To Be Unique reason being I want to live not gunned down for freedom of speech or awareness of the lies fed to my ancestors ! For if my stand is of the same liking then death is sure to follow hummmm I beg to differ ...... for it is because of my dying nation that I utilize my ancestors knowledge to enlighten a new breed of angry people ! So what keeps one separated shall be the same thing that bonds one ..Im not afraid of dying Im afraid of living amongst those who kill over stupidity while justifying their cause of action ! Yes yes ! The ones who rarely read a book unless its littered with trash talk and explicit photos. .. yes that scares me more than anything because dying is the easiest thing to do without lifting a finger .... my ending statement is Im unique not equal for if I stand for justice we shall line up side by side with each of us being viewed as individuals with our own reasons for standing tall and being proud. I want to embrace as well as love the difference each person brings to a cipher because it is of great value to consider yourself a unique opportunity to be viewed as a leader with validation ... Written by Naima Rahman dedicated to our continuing education to freedom of speech. ..!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 09:48:10 +0000

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