Good morning ladies If you find yourself feeling depressed and - TopicsExpress


Good morning ladies If you find yourself feeling depressed and you would like to feel happy then you must be willing to let go of the past. Letting go doesnt mean it didnt happen... Every time we allow our thoughts to wonder into a painful past experience, we re live the events of our past. Holding onto the past is like carrying a ball and chain everywhere.. When you notice yourself judging and criticising yourself and others, you are unable to be present and live life fully. You poison your whole being by feeling guilty, having regrets and holding grudges. The could haves... Should haves... Why didnt Is... These sentences will consumed you and you may miss out opportunities in the present because you are living in the past. Everyone has a past and everyone has a present, thats reality right?. It is always a choice and it is true that some pasts are more extremely more painful than others. What is painful to me may not be painful to you and vice versa. We cannot begin to judge the pain levels of others... It all boils down to our life experience and what has happened to us and how we have choosen to deal with it. Whats done is done and unless it is a memory that puts a smile on your face, let go... let it be... The past cannot be changed no matter how hard you wish it could be erased. Being consumed by a past that onnot be changed will ensure you continue to feel depressed and consumed every time you think about it... For some people they find comfort in the past, there is no right or wrong, just what feels right for you Conscious thought selection every day is the key... Please let me know what you think. Always Lee x
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 20:00:01 +0000

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