Good morning life speakers! Rise and let your light shine today - TopicsExpress


Good morning life speakers! Rise and let your light shine today and love like never before. Trust God to deal with the things that seem too hard to bear, because you can bear it, believe it and know it. It’s all a part of the process and the plan. Prey/Pray Prey – victim, kill, animal caught and eaten by another, someone that a criminal attacks or harms, target, game… Pray – implore, plead, communication with God, ask, request, hope, yearn, meditate… Let’s not get the two confused. There are some today that are PREYING on the weaknesses of others. How can they take advantage of the situation, of the person, of their vulnerability, but they will disguise it with PRAYING. They have scoped out the area in which they seek to attack and they go in for the kill, the steal, and the destruction. They have PREYED on your vulnerabilities, weaknesses, areas that entice your flesh to rise. You must be careful who you even share your prayer request with, cause you could be dealing with some major stuff and the enemy will take it and use it to his/her advantage and tie spiritual things in with it. OH my GOD you have come up on some Jezebel tendencies, some Leviathan characteristics of twisting truth and lies. I can only tell you what I know. Have you ever been so entrapped in something and felt like you had no way of escape? Spirituality had been mixed with personal gain and agenda? Praying had turned into Preying. Satan is no respector of person, he will use whoever is available to be used. He will attach himself like a leach to those that have opened the door for him to come in and take up residence. I want to encourage you today, that when God closes a door, leave it closed. The enemy may try to come in and play with your mind, your thoughts, but you have to keep speaking the word of God over your life. NO weapon formed against you will prosper. They may form, but they will not prosper. His tricks will not work today, because you have declared, decreed and spoken life over yourself and you are trusting God to lead you and not man. God is breaking unhealthy, ungodly soul ties right now in the name of Jesus. You know what is of God and what is not, it’s time for you to move forward and escape the thing that has been holding you hostage, holding you back, keeping you captive and tying you down from your destiny. There is greatness in you and you will not reach it if you stay connected to the wrong things. Your disconnect from the wrong things will allow God to open the doors for you to connect to the right things that will push you into your destiny. People will talk, been there done that, let them talk. This walk is about pleasing God, if God tells you to do something, you better get on it, because there is reason behind it all. Sometimes it takes us so long, but God. God is standing there with open arms to embrace you man and woman of God, and He is still going to use you, believe that. He is using me and it was not easy getting to where I am right now. If it was not for the love of God, Oh my God! Realtalk! Amen!
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 12:08:01 +0000

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