Good morning lovelies! Mervins shared wisdom nugget for - TopicsExpress


Good morning lovelies! Mervins shared wisdom nugget for today.....and its primarily directed at black people! Please quit beating your child over the head with God, and praising God! Its only making subsequent generations bitter and less likely to believe in a god. Let them come to their own understanding(s) of good and evil. I go to church. Im a lifelong, eh - SPOTTY Christian (or some semblance of such). I question God daily; Gods mercy, favors, reasoning and rationale. If I were to go by my racial background and history (not to mention other things), and try to search for Gods mercy, Id think God was some kind of sadist, was totally indifferent, or didnt exist in Heaven, but Bizarro-world! I guess what Im getting at is.....hundreds of generations later, following things like slavery, segregation, Tuskegee and income inequality even AFTER completing higher education, I dont necessarily see humility before a higher being as making that much of a difference. For example, many people talk about racial reconciliation. I dont like to really harp on slavery and such, but Christians (in particular), like to cite the Bible as a book of love with regards to things like slavery, social ills etc. Hello!!! The Bible had justifications for slavery, but not much in the way of condemnation for it. Im not trying to come off as bitter, blasphemous or disrespectful, but I am a black male over the age of 40 who has experienced past workplace discrimination in the way of raises, condescending job positions in comparison to my white and Asian counterparts (who fared better in the way of promotions despite not having a college degree or any such higher educational pluses) and outright abuse. Ive long been told that God balances all of this out (?)!. Truthfully - I have yet to see any such balancing, or divine retribution directed at those who would cheat, lie, abuse etc - quite the reverse, in fact. You can tell your kids - well Gods providing you a means to support yourself. Lol....I dont make ends meat - havent in some time...... I am very fortunate to be employed, as is ANYONE! However, going back to my original point, when you beat someone over the head about a loving God, and they are living -- BARELY living -- in continued bad social circumstances, then - well -- dont be surprised when they one day come to you and tell you that God seems to busy keeping every rich man rich, every white person comfy and every person-of-color angry! Take a really good look at famine-ravaged parts of Africa if you want this point illustrated! That is all!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 14:28:41 +0000

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