Good morning mamas, Just got a testimony and an encouragement to - TopicsExpress


Good morning mamas, Just got a testimony and an encouragement to all ladies here who are trying to conceive (TTC). It has been a year since I got married and I always knew that as soon as you get married it just so obvious that you miss you period that month (get pregnant immediately). First month AF appeared I wondered, 2nd, 3rd, 4thmonth same story I wondered “am I barren” that’s when I said maybe I should go see a gyn but hubby was reluctant and kept telling me that “let’s wait for God’s timing” but you know being a woman people would always ask “how many months now or are u now vomiting” aiiiishhhh I decided to start keeping away from any social event where I thought I may meet such people. I really put myself under unnecessary pressure. So around Feb. I went to see a gyn who told me that “no keep trying it’s not yet one year for you to worry” but he put me on folic acid and ENAT vitamins for three months but still nothing happened I also did and HCG test and the tubes were open but the left tube had a small swelling near the ovary then I also had small uterine polyps but my gyn told me that the polyps would shrink on their own since they are small then he gave me dexa to clear the swelling on the left tube meanwhile the right tube was just perfect. After this I met a friend who told me about Bamutasa Herbal how they can help so I when there and these guys were just guessing mbu “maybe your tubes are blocked” so they gave me some medicine to drink in hot water and said I would conceive that month but nothing still happened but I continued to take the herbal medicine for another 3 months all in vain. This is when I began thinking that maybe the problem is with hubby because I was being told that am ok. So I told hubby to do a sperm analysis whish he accepted to do and the results showed that his sperms where normal. This is when it hit me harder that the problem is actually me but I kept wondering why the medics say that there is no problem with me. Out of desperacy I again tried another herbal place but still no positive results. At this point Hubby used to pray so much and he would always tell me to have faith in God but sometimes I would lose faith. All my friends who married after me where pregnant at that time. In July I decided to go back to my gyn and he gave me clomid (Clomid is a drug that prepares eggs for ovulation it contains hormones that help in that process)to see if I will ovulate. First month I took 50mg that didn’t work, 2nd month he increased the dose to 100mg still it didn’t work then the third moth he said he was going to give me 150mg then if it doesn’t work I first give TTC a break for two months and relax. Now lack of faith made me to think the clomid 150mgs is also not going to work so in that same cycle I read on this forum about DR. Batwala and I decided to try him. Remember I was still on clomid 150mg but just like the Bible says all things work together for good to those that love the Lord the day I went to see him was the day my eggs where mature to be hatched (day 12). He looked at my history because I carried all my medical forms and he was like “am wondering what is stopping you from conceiving because women conceive even with one tube and by now the swelling on your left tube should also be gone and Mr sperm is just good.” After him saying this I was like “God I thought you would work a miracle for me through this Dr.” So he sent me to do a transviginal scan to see if my eggs are maturing since that was day 12 of my cycle. The scan results showed that I had 6 dominant follicles (3 on the left and 3 on the right – dominant follicle is what holds the mature eggs that are going to be hatched and released during ovulation so I had 6 of them ranging between 17mm to 22mm. He just laughed and said that the clomid 150mgs had made me have those many follicles and it is risky because if they all hatch and be released and get fertilized and implanted, my uterus can’t hold them but he was like am going to give you an HCG trigger shot (this is an injection that contains a hormone the supports pregnancy but it helps also in the process of breaking the follicles to release the mature eggs for ovulation) I was given 5000mgs HCG trigger shot. As I sat there for 45minutes waiting for the shot I said all the prayed I could on earth. After the shot I was told to make out with hubby from that day for the next 3 days because that injection would make me ovulate within 36hours. After that I went home and started the two weeks wait. It was longer this time (psychologically). Twelve days later my temperature rose, I would feel my body so hot, back pain, nausea after eating food and I would struggle to get what to eat (no appetite) I begun wondering what had happened to me maybe the effects of the injection so I told hubby and he was like lets go to hospital. I first refused cause each time I would go to hospital the first question would be “when did you last have your periods” and I hated to hear that because I had never missed a period, but as days went by I would be fair during day time then get so sick at night so this particular day hubby just dragged me to hospital. Of course usual questions were asked and that day I was expecting my periods but they hadn’t come but I knew they would maybe come at night (see what lack of faith can do ). So they did a full blood count, HCG test, Malaria and Urinalysis. SHOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The three come out negative but HCG was positive. When the Dr said “you are pregnant” I first blacked out meanwhile hubby couldn’t hide his excitement and the Dr. was like “you don’t seem excited as him” I just didnt know how to react at that moment. I had mixed feelings. Confusion just but all in all the Glory goes back to God. It’s now 8 weeks and am believing God through the remaining 32 weeks. So you are going to see me here quite often asking about pregnancy issues *wink**wink*. Nice weekend to you all. Sorry for the too many words but there are even many other things i have not written this is just a summary
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 07:28:09 +0000

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