Good morning men, Seeing the world through cynical heart vs. - TopicsExpress


Good morning men, Seeing the world through cynical heart vs. through a Kingdom view: A Kingdom Perspective But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. - Matthew 13:16 When you have experienced a deep sense of splendor and awe before God, your emotions are overwhelmed. You suddenly understand - not by intellect, but by the Spirit - what the kingdom of heaven is all about. In that moment, you identify with the men who sold everything to get the treasure, the wheat that bears fruit, the good fish in the net, the leavened bread, and the towering tree. But what happens outside of those experiences? The cares and stresses of life creep in. You grow discouraged, cynical and distracted. Your boss yells at you first thing Monday, your wife is frustrated that you worked late again, your son is sick, and the car breaks down on the way home. Suddenly, that perspective you had the day before on your knees is all but gone. Living with a kingdom perspective is the difference between flying along at treetop level and going up to 30,000 feet. The view changes completely. The small, inconsequential things drop out of sight and only the things that truly matter remain. Feeling overcome by the troubles of the world? Noticing more weeds than wheat? Chasing after the wrong things? Gain some altitude. Return to the truth that Jesus gives in the parables. God is not surprised or nervous by the state of the world or your circumstances. Everything is just as He said it would be. Let this keep your soul soft and your heart malleable. Commit to view every day, every person, and every situation through a kingdom perspective. Questions for Discussion/Reflection • What helps you keep a kingdom perspective in the midst of the stress of life? • Ask some other men for their ideas as well *These devotions are from Man in the Mirrors quarterly publication, Equipping the Man in the Mirror
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:18:19 +0000

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