Good morning my dear friends on Flight HH2016! Hope you have had a - TopicsExpress


Good morning my dear friends on Flight HH2016! Hope you have had a good night sleep. I did not as I think as an ex Soldier what I was taught in the Zambia Army some many years that that any war is won by winning a numbers of battles. Some you win and so battles you lose. When you lose or with from a battle, you have to revive your tactics if not your strategic and battle for the new battle. As marketing specialist now, I now it takes alot of mistakes and planning to launch a good product which is acceptable on the market. Bill Gates never woke with a Microsoft product that was perfect, launched some funny version which had so many problems. It too Bill Gates many years to finally come up with Window 8.1. UPND launched a product a few years ago. Very few of use who were interested in Zambian politics want to seriously taste or try that produce because there our other similar products like UNIP that were in the 1950s. MMD launched in in the 1990s and PF launched in the 2000s. I have been tested UNIP and I know it worked for me and knew how the machine worked when it was in well oiled and in good hands(Dr Kaunda). I never even thought of testing MMD because it was invented at the right but for wrong purpose, just to kick out Kaunda and punish him. MMD also had many interests most of whom had no interest in the people of Zambia, but their own. The rest of products that came on the market in the 2000 were really very appealing to me for various reasons. PF was the worst of these products, because it battled together just win power but hard no clear strategy or vision but had fearsless captain who knew how to sell the product even when he new it has so man defects and would only last for a few years. Meanwhile, I was sampling and testing one on 2000 products(UPND) which was not perfect it was launched but had great potential that with a good captain, a clear vision, a clear strategy and many adjustments the product would be ready for for a major relaunch last a brand new product like when Job(CEO Apple) started relaunching his Apple products and wowed the whole world!! This just ended election is what I consider a very serious relaunch of UPND. The product now works, the vision is clear, the strategy is good, Captain and his team are excellent and we have tried(thank God) that we have new technology, new tactics that work. To President Edgar Lungu who is taking office today- our message is very clear, it is not yet over! We made him and PF sweat for their nshima and will continue applying this pressure until 2016. For me, today Sunday(25th January,2015) on the day of inauguration of His Excellency President Lungu, I publicly declare that I am packing my bags to return to Zambia for two reason. Firstly to spend the rest of my old age with my family and contribute to the country that has made me what I am today. Secondly, to go back join the UPND to give PF the last kick out office and help not only to rebuild the economy, agriculture and education but to be part of the team that will help to heal the damage created in last three years. Besides its failures in managing the economy, PF has introduced a very dangerous cancer in our country. In my 60 years, I have never seen or heard of such tribalism and hate in my country. As I son of Ndebele mother and Kaonde father who knows what it means for my mothers tribes people to be massacred by Mugabes Forth Brigade and humiliated for years, I will never want in my life time to see any of the Zambia tribes treated the way the Ndebele people have been treated by Mugabe and his army. I was working in Uganda in 1994 when I saw bodies floating on Lake Victoria from Rwanda because of the awful genocide. I dont want that to ever happen to my country. That is why for me personally, if the Zambian people had elected HH yesterday, I was going the amongst the first people to politely ask Mugabe to take his plane and fly home without attending HHs our Presidents inauguration. To PF and President Edgar Lungu, what value is Mugabe adding to relations with Zambia? What value does Mugabe add to the Zambian economy? What value does Mugabes today in Lusaka add to our democracy ? In my views, its zero besides embarrassing Zambia to the whole world. Therefore the next 18 months will be tough for PF because besides the bad economy which they have to fix, UPND will be giving a very tough time. From today until Election Day 2016, I will,use all my international political, marketing and fundraising experience to fight PF as a party and its government. I will not use insults nor do anything illegal but will use my democratic rights as enshrined in Article to fully exercise my rights. I will also use all my experience gained abroad to help rebuild the Zambian economy and the educational systems that are currently in a mess. That is my message for all those PF cadres like Awisi Towera, Nakiwe Simpungwe, UNZA Moma and so many others who were busy insulting UPND, HH and all our supporters. That is my message to all the PF cadres and their leaders that were calling the Tonga all sorts of names and promoting hate. As you enjoy dancing and drinking beer and champagne to celebrate a fake victory, remember one thing- PF has huge task to help healing alot if pain caused by careless talk. President Edgar Lungu has a massive task to rebalance the economy and otherwise the cost of living of all those PF cadres who will be dancing today continue to shoot up. President Edgar has a task to preach and put into action our motto One Zambia-One Nation failure to which they will be no Zambia in the next 50 years. To achieve all these tasks, President Lungu will need a good Cabinet and team around him and not some of clowns and crooks that have been running his campain.Finally, our President should avoid Mugabe by all means.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 06:25:49 +0000

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