Good morning my friends, 3:00 seemed to have rolled around awfully - TopicsExpress


Good morning my friends, 3:00 seemed to have rolled around awfully early this morning. I have to get up really early, especially on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so I can be at Planet Fitness before 6:00; Lord knows, I wouldn’t want to miss my time to stretch my body to its limits. My poor daddy would turn over in his grave if he knew I was getting up this time of day and going somewhere five miles from my home and paying somebody I don’t even know, just so I can lift something heavy. It really doesn’t make much sense when you get down to thinking about it. When I was a teenager, I tried to stay up all night and then my folks had trouble getting me out of bed in the morning…boy, how times have changed…I’m turning into my daddy, sure as the world. I go to bed as soon as I can justify it and I can’t tell you how many years it’s been since I have set an alarm clock…they do still make those things don’t they. Anyway, God has a way of waking us older men up…he installed a bladder with a 2:00 AM warning system. And since I have to get up anyway, I just stay up. Now you know the rest of the story. I just read an interesting fact this morning: Did you know that the Holy Bible is the most shoplifted book in the United States. And another thing that was brought to my attention was that dogs are mentioned fourteen times in the Bible and cats are not mentioned even once. I suppose that little fact will probably mean something to some of us, but I’ll have to be honest, I didn’t talk about our little dog, Gigi, in a good light yesterday morning. That little dog will make a preacher cuss if they have to go through what I did yesterday. I’ve heard that all dogs go to heaven, but I’m not too sure that after what Gigi did yesterday, if that dog even has a chance. I tried my best not to turn on the television this morning and watch the soap opera coming out of our nation’s capital. I like to laugh as much as the next person, but folks, this mess our leaders have gotten us into is no longer a laughing matter. So, having said all that, let’s try to find something that will tickle our funny bone today. Pray that the Good Lord will bless our leaders of both parties with a good dose of common sense and whole lot of love. God Bless!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 08:24:21 +0000

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