Good morning my friends! As I awaken this beautiful morning, tis - TopicsExpress


Good morning my friends! As I awaken this beautiful morning, tis to a strong cup of the nectar of the Gods/Goddesses and a quiet apartment, as the beauty that has the key to my heart silently sleeps in the other room. I myself rise and shine to start the beginning of my day as I normally do, with a little liquid electricity in my cup and a few words of wisdom. For do we not all tend to have a little wisdom from time to time, and cannot we share these things with others, as we pass along what it is we know, may have come to know and/or learned throughout our lives? For there exist a little wisdom in us all, some more so then others, then again some less, for its as Ive always said, the wise are wise for a reason. However wisdom comes at a price and it is sometimes that price that we pay that causes us to learn, yes at times the hard way, lifes lessons as we can only hope and pray that when we do come to terms with the things we endure during life, that we see the struggles we have, well that they are no different than the struggles of others. We as individuals never know what it is exactly, that anyone person is going through, or what they may currently be experiencing in life, for unless we walk a day in the life of that person, all we know is what they tell us. Yet most people remain silent, for whatever their reasons be, its the things that we tend to bottle up inside, allowing them to fester until it gets the best of us, causing some of us to reach that breaking point where all we want to do in life is give up and in, as we throw our hands in the air as if to say, Ive had enough!. We live our lives from beginning to end, always learning something new, perhaps something as simple as a feeling of love, joy, or sorrow, a feeling of pride, shame, or embarrassment, perhaps even a feeling of guilt, and in some cases a sense of entitlement, but if the truth be known these are all basic humanistic characters traits, or feelings of raw emotions, ones that each and everyone of us have, or go through at one point or another in our lives. I know not where these words that escape from the space between my ears originate, for when I rise and shine, I literally have not a clue what I am going to share, I just sit down at the kitchen table and its as if the words begin to formulate out of nowhere, as my subconscious mind goes to town and my fingers unleash the madness from within. I am no fool, though Ive been one more then I care to admit, there exist times when what I do share, well that it makes no sense. But then again as we know not what others may be experiencing, well it might, just might hit home and strike a chord somewhere within them because whatever they may currently be experiencing, well it might have something to do with what I had written, thus allowing them to see that their not alone, and that there are others that feel the same way about certain people, places or things, and in turn giving them that sort of comfort they may have needed to help get them through the day. What we as individuals fail to see at times is that what we tend to share with others when we open our hearts and bare our souls, it just may be the thing they needed to hear, thus allowing them to open their hearts and bare their souls. In the last three years my life has dramatically changed, for I am not the same man I once was, but its who I was that is making me who I am now becoming. Ive given my wife hell and I am more then certain that there were times, more so then not, where she herself wanted to throw in the towel and raise her hands up and say just that, I had enough!, yet it was her love and the belief that I would change that has caused me to do just that! CHANGE! Its crazy is it not, what love will and can do to and/or for a person? The closer she gets to giving birth to our little Jackieboy, oddly the calmer I grow, the less hell I give and the more love, understanding and compassionate I become. Why now you ask? Well if the truth be known, shes showed me what it is to never give up on the ones you love no matter what, come hell or high water, love knows no boundaries. What I do know is that when my son is born the one thing I wont have to do is worry about whether or not I will be doing the right things, for I know that there will be times when I may make a bad judgement call, but it must be taken with a grain of salt, for when matters of the heart are concerned, I know that with my wife April by my side things will simply work themselves out. Today as you rise and shine, allow yourselves to open your hearts and bare your souls if you must, for there is always someone, at times its the person you least expect, willing to be your confidant. You must simply give them a chance, after all isnt that what April gave me? A chance! Be blessed today my dear friends, for its off to do the laundry and some light studying. Peace!!!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 14:35:48 +0000

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