Good morning my friends. Can you believe it; half of the year is - TopicsExpress


Good morning my friends. Can you believe it; half of the year is already gone? They always say it’s hot in July and who am I to argue. If you happen to see a dog chasing a rabbit today, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were both walking. They might even quit walking and just sit down together under a shade tree for a while. I remember when I was young and suffered from severe asthma attacks when it got really hot. Our home only had two bedrooms in those days and they were connected by a door. Daddy would set a little oscillating fan on a stool in the doorway and I would have to hold my head up from my sweaty pillow in hopes to feel a little warm breeze as the fan rotated my way. A breeze was a breeze and I was grateful for any moving air. I made a vow then that when I grew up, my house would be air-conditioned and the windows would never be opened to let in all those things of which I was allergic. It seemed to me that just the odor of fresh mown hay and pretty much any other odors that emanated from the country would set my asthma off in a fury. I was particularly not a great fan of cow manure when it was spread on the fields behind our house. And cotton spray would stop me up completely. It’s no wonder I hated picking cotton so much. You know it’s kind of funny how things work out in life…I ended up being called “Cotton” which was the bane of my existence. To tell you the truth, my daddy always said that I was allergic to work and I didn’t argue that point with him. We argued about a lot of things, but not that. He often said that I would find something to do in life except work, and by Jove, I think I found it. I have no idea who Jove was, but it was by him that I can’t wait to get up every morning and get started on the day. When you’re doing what you want to do for a living, it isn’t work. I love crawling in my van and driving around the countryside taking pictures, painting watercolors when I am in the mood, and writing on my third novel. However, as much as I enjoy doing all those things, I will take out time to eat and you can count on that. I also like lying on my rear end and watching old movies while reading. Life’s good and would be a whole lot better if I could make a living at it. When asked what I do for a living, I often say, “I run a non-profit business.” Well, the old clock on my computer is warning me that it is already after 5:30 and time to get started on the day,. If I can get to the gallery early enough, I might have time to work in a nap before opening the doors. Besides that, I’m having a cheese cracker and ginger snap attack and believe me, those attacks are much better than the asthma ones. Have a good day and try to stay cool. We are air-conditioned at the gallery, so come in and sit a spell and talk about the good old days while you delight in the coolness of the air. God Bless!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 09:42:00 +0000

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