Good morning my friends. Have you missed me yet? I was busy - TopicsExpress


Good morning my friends. Have you missed me yet? I was busy getting things packed up and driving home yesterday from a District Exchange Club meeting in Wrightsville Beach, NC. We had a fantastic conference and one of the most fun ones we have had in a long time. I hope the rest of our North Carolina Exchangites read my post and see my album of photographs of the conference this morning and see what they missed. It is great fun being in such a fantastic organization as The National Exchange Club. We do good good works from across the nation and in our own neighborhoods helping to prevent child abuse, working with Americanism projects our youth, and in our community. If you are not in an Exchange Club somewhere, give me a call and let me take you to one of our luncheon meetings or just tell you more about Exchange. I thought I was eating too much at the conference and was hoping beyond hope that I hadn’t gained any weight…well, that didn’t work worth a hoot. I weighed the most this morning that I have weighed since I have been keeping up with it. I don’t think I can attribute the weight-gain this time to muscle unless you can call my protruding belly, muscle. I guess I had better get my fat butt out to Planet Fitness this morning and get busy on the treadmill and start lifting all that heavy stuff again. Look at what happened to me in just four days of not exercising. DRATS!! Well, it’s almost 4:00 now and time to get ready to go face the music and Marie at the Planet. I wonder if Superman was having all the weight problems I am having, he even worked at The Daily Planet. They don’t even make telephone booths anymore to where I can change into my Superman outfit, anyway. You know, it looks like somebody could have seen the dude changing clothes in a glass telephone booth. Well, I suppose he was Super fast. You don’t have to worry about me changing clothes on the way to my Daily Planet in this cold weather anyway. I can’t imagine what it would be like to not be able to eat. Please be in fervent prayer for our dear friend, Joe, and his family. Joe is struggling with cancer and is not able to eat at all. Our heart goes out to him and we are in constant prayer for our dear friend. Remember to be kind to one another and to pray for one another, we all stand in need in one way or another. Lots of folks need hugs today and I will never turn one down, nor will I ever refuse the opportunity to give one. It’s good to be home! God Bless!!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 09:13:17 +0000

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