Good morning my friends! I do believe there is nothing I love more - TopicsExpress


Good morning my friends! I do believe there is nothing I love more then a fresh cup of the nectar of the Gods/Goddesses the first thing in the morning, for its what puts the pep in my step. This mornings rant will be kept to the bare minimum, partly because it was a busy night at the restaurant and all I want to do is lay down all day. But I still have some ironing to do, so, so much for wishful thanking, besides I have to go in at 4, so its high time to get this day on the road. Today as you awaken by the grace of God, or whatever it is in which you either believe in, or are grateful for the gift of life, I pray you and your families have both a great day as well as the greatest of holidays. For these are the times in which the memories we create will one day be those moments forever captured in time of a different time and place as well as those that helped create them. In life that is sometimes what we are left holding onto as we look back at what we may have done, who we may have done it with and the laughs we may have had. Life is all about the ups and downs, yet who wouldnt rather recall the good as we leave the bad in our rear view mirrors? This morning as you rise and shine, try to create a memory you might live to share with someone you love later on in life, or perhaps even a near and dear friend. It might, just might, be what you needed as you do just that! Recall and share the past, as you are grateful for those that helped create it and the reasons you never forgot it. Be blessed this morning my dear friends, I am off to finish the ironing. Peace!!!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 17:32:00 +0000

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