Good morning my friends... Shalom Agape... Who made God then? - TopicsExpress


Good morning my friends... Shalom Agape... Who made God then? If God exists why is there so much suffering in the world? Christians are mostly hypocrites. Religion is outdated and causes wars. Christianity is a crutch for weak people. How can you know whats really true? Have you ever had questions and statements like these flung at you, leaving you unsure how to respond? Maybe youve gotten discouraged, tempted to stop sharing your faith or given up praying because of it. It happens to lots of Christians at school, and it can be quite demoralising. In Galatians 1:13 Paul writes; I violently persecuted Gods church. I did my best to destroy it (NLT). Paul had no thoughts of becoming a Christian. His intent was to destabilise the Church, and he never dreamt that one day hed switch sides. But when God has a plan, He will do whatever it takes to fulfill it. So when Paul held the coats of Stephens executioners, even then God was hatching a plan to make him one of the most remarkable Christians of all time. Just like Paul, He has plans for your friends with all their objections, tricky questions, or questionable lifestyle choices. Tougher nuts have been cracked! Gods grace will win out, so hold in there, and dont lose hope! Happy Sabbath day my friends... 100 Shalom SLJ
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 09:44:08 +0000

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