Good morning my friends! Well, well, well, her we are, each of us - TopicsExpress


Good morning my friends! Well, well, well, her we are, each of us awakening to another day of life, this gift in which we are but given free will, to do the things we do and care not. For is life, our life not exactly that? A gift? One in which we should cherish as we awaken to those we love, or those that love us, a roof over our heads, food on our tables and a comradery of sorts that at times cannot be explained as we live for those that live for us? In but a mere two days, many of us will be spending Christmas with those near and dear to our hearts, whether friend, family or foe, each and every single one of us must be grateful for something or someone, what that may be, well depends on the person does it not? For many are grateful for the simplest of things, like the air that fills their lungs, the blood that coarses through their veins, or just the gift of life in general. For are these not in-fact the simple things? I know not how it is that the words that escape from the space between my ears seem to come to me so natural, for there were times in life when the things I struggled with, the things I feared, well I found it hard to talk about much less share. Yet each and everyday as I rise to the dawn of a new day, I find it within me to move on and forward in life, and with my life. We sometimes want to challenge the reasons why things come to pass, but what we must do is merely be accepting of them as we leave our skepticism behind and allow ourselves to be happy and free. The fact of the matter is that life is never easy, nor is it fair, for the things each of us endure, whether it be the loss of a loved one, the ending of a marriage, or even a friendship, perhaps even a job, such is life, for it is these same things that can make or break the men and women we become in life. At times we feel defeated, when all we want to do is crawl back into our beds, as we throw the covers over our heads and wallow in our own self inflicted misery, but this to shall come to pass. I mean do we not all, each and every single one of us, have good days, just as we have the bad? Its a fact of life my dear friends, we struggle, yet we must also realize that when we struggle, we must move on and forward with our struggles so that we too can overcome the things that may bind us to the feeling of disappointment, shame, guilt, fear, sadness, or a million other things we may be feeling or going through. For they too, shall come to pass. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines Humanism as follows-A system of values and beliefs that is based on the idea that people are basically good and that problems can be solved using reason instead of religion. I find this hard to believe at times, for when we look into the eyes of humanity, we sometimes take for granted that if not for the good Lord above, where, if at all, would any of us be. Sure I believe that people are basically good and that problems can be solved using reasoning, but cannot we also reason that without God in our lives that those same problems, well they create a burden that at times leaves us with the weight of the world on our shoulders, as we look to the heavens above and pray to a forever sovereign and loving God to lift or take this burden from us? Today as you awaken to the dawn of but another day, take into account all that youve seen, been through and overcome, now ask yourselves are you still amongst the living? If your reading this then I take that as a yes. This can only mean that not only are you a fighter, but a survivor, for whatever humanity throws your way, though deductive reasoning may in fact allow someone to solve a problem, its the life that God gave us as well as this free will so many of us talk about and the love in our hearts that help to allow us to accept them and move forward, forever fighting to live another day, one in which the sun will rise as surely as it sets, but the weight of the world is not ours to bare my dear friends, that is why we have prayer. Be blessed this beautiful morning for I am off and running like the energizer bunny, seems like that pot of liquid electricity just got my engine humming. Peace!!!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:53:50 +0000

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