Good morning my friends and God bless you...Its almost - TopicsExpress


Good morning my friends and God bless you...Its almost Thanksgiving and we have a lot to be thankful for.. These are the parts of me, myself and my life that are difficult to verbalize and articulate at times, but have shaped my being and my human experience far more than the lighter more pleasant and picturesque moments have. And for that in itself, I am thankful. 1. I am thankful for all the things I never wanted to experience. The things I cried out against, and the ones that have felt nothing but unfair. What I want is oftentimes not what I need in the first place, and it’s through these experiences, and not getting things my way, I’ve grown the most. 2. I am thankful I have come to understand the range of emotions a human being is capable of experiencing. From the lowest of lows all the way to the highest of highs. 3. I am thankful I have experienced the weight of loving someone too much, so I know my heart is capable of such a feat. 4. I am thankful I have watched people walk out of my life, for it has helped me to understand the importance of making the most of what is in front of me, while I have the chance. 5. I am thankful I have watched the same people return, for it has helped me see that nothing is certain, nothing is for sure. Life moves in circles and unruly shapes and patterns—not a straightforward path. Nothing is linear and it never will be. 6. I am thankful I carry with me the pieces of a broken heart, recognizing these pieces are not only a part of who I am today, but are valuable pieces of the puzzle of the person I am continuing to become. 7. I am thankful I have watched those who I look up to most fall apart, for it has helped me understand that with age comes both experience and wisdom, but no one is immune to feelings. It’s shown me that I am not the only one who carries a human heart, and the weight of the world on my shoulders. 8. I am thankful I have let parts of my life mean so much to me that their absence has driven me to fall apart to the point of feeling paralyzed, and down for the count. 9. I am thankful I have gotten back up—that at each and every one of these paralyzing turning points there was something that was there to grab me by the hand and pull me forward. Not something that was given to me by, or found within, someone else, but rather something that I was forced to find deep within myself and bring to the surface all on my own accord. 10. I am thankful that somewhere in my soul I have been able to maintain faith that that there is a power greater than me who hasn’t given up on me yet. It’s because of my faith the size of a mustard seed that I am able to continue on everyday.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 10:58:38 +0000

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