Good morning my lovelings. First things first, I would just like - TopicsExpress


Good morning my lovelings. First things first, I would just like to apologise for being so scarce, Ive been extremely busy with everything that goes on in my life and eyonanto indichanileyo is that ndiye ndonakalelwa yi blackberry le bendibhala ngayo so ndasheka ne S3 qha and its time consuming kakhulu ubhala ngale phone and I was hoping my other phone would come back but ayikabuyi, luckily things have calmed down a bit on my end so ndizozama from now on niyeva. It might be a bit slow I can not promice or tell you guys how often I will be writting because I place value in quality rather than quantity and I believe it is that same quality that has had you guys support me and not give up on me. Ndiyabulela ngenxaso yenu kakhuuulu, you guys keep me going kwinto yonke. So Monwabisi and Noxys engagement has brought us to the end of season 5. So siqala useason 6 ngoku, I am excited and ndingxamile. Before I put in the first insert for season 6, I have three links I would like to share with yall. The first link is a link for ZeScribble. This is where you will find Confessions of a Priests Daughter from Season 1 Episode 1. zescribble/confessions-of-a-priests-daughter/ The second and third links are for pages of two different brands. Mandingacacisi I will just post what I was given by oo admin bezi pages ne links, please click on them and like the pages. Kasi Kop: For bucket hats of your choice or standard stock ones view and like our page. https://m.facebook/kasikopSA Your designs and fabrics are subject to Ts&Cs #BucketHatFever #SummerVibes Kasi Kop is the brand b-) Hearts and Beauty: Hearts & Beauty is a beauty, health and fitness consultancy blog that is aimed at helping all ladies and gentlemen improve their well-being. https://facebook/pages/Hearts-Beauty/593260570803209?sk=timeline Thank you in advance... Coming right up... Season 6-Episode 1 Season 6: Episode 1: I woke up on the Saturday a little bit hung over. Ndiye ndaphakama ke kodwa ndakhe ndatshayela ndamopisha apha endlini. Noko umamNothandile usebenza kakhulu during the week as she has to take care of the house and 11 kids, baby number 11 being Hlanga. I prepared iibhotile zamawele then mamNothandile walked into the kitchen as I was thinking of what I should make for breakfast. Her, Hay bo maka Liza, yinton kwakusasa apha? Me, Khawuyolala khe uphumle nawe noko ndikhona andiyi ndawo namhlanje. MamNothandile, Hay hay hay Maka Liza kalok nawe lixesha lakho lophumla eli. Me, Linini elakho? MamNothandile just smiled at me akandiphendula wamisa amanzi. At that moment ndiye ndeva iskhalo and I knew it was Lulo. Ndiye ndayomthatha kamnandi ubisi lwakhe beliselishushu so ndalixuba nepapa sayohlala phantsi nosana lwam ndalutyisa. She looked at me straight in the eyes ngalamehlo akhe aqum-qum and played with my hair as I fed her. Yuh indlela amhle ngayo uLulo wam andikayazi ukuba ndingalufanisa nanton, it just seems as though I would be belittling her beauty if I would describe it. MamNothandile came into the lounge and she asked, Tea? Coffee? Me, Rooibos tea will be fine, uzenzele ke nawe uzohlala nam khe sincokole. MamNothandile, Okay. Yaz eyonanto ndiyibonayo apha is that I never really gave mamNothandile a chance in my heart because to me it felt as though I would be replacing mamNozipho. Yes sure nobody will ever replace umama ka Nodoli lowo but mamNothandile deserves a chance too, she shouldnt be punished because of the way I was hurt when I lost mamNozipho. This is the same mistake we often make as women where you find that a woman will punish her new man because of the things the previous one did, that is really unfair. If you are going to love, love like you have never been hurt, if not wait until you are ready to love again. MamNothandile uye weza ke wazohlala phantsi nam waphunga mna ndagqibezela ukuyisa uLulo. Yaz all I knew about her before our little chat was that she was from Port Alfred but ke siye sancokola kakuhle, she told me that she didnt have any children and because of that she decided to work with children as a nanny and that she lived with her mom and drunkard of a brother nosister wakhe omncinci eCawa. We actually got to talk about her and her family and she told me funny stories of things that had happened amongst them, we had a really nice fat chat ndabe ndiyihleka ke sathi sisahleka njalo ndisula umlomo ka Lulo ndava ngezingqi ezininzi and I new that that was when the peace ended. Uthe gqi ba uNandim noLwethu. Nandim ufike weza kumamakhe and she hugged me on the side. Me, Molweni wethu, yinton ntombi? Nandim, Yuh bendicimba ndizovuka ungekho again. Lwethu, Bendizobakhona njani mna xa umama engekho? Awubon ba yi weekend? Akho skolo. Nandim, Unemoto wena? Nunu anyaya naphina yena nanini wena uva ngaye ba uzoya phi nini... Tyhiii bendingathethi nawe mpa. MamNozipho uske wacubhuka wayihleka waphakama wathatha esasitya sepapa ne cup yakhe wabheka ekhitshini ndashiyeka ndibhodlisa uLulo mna. Hlanya uthe gqi pha efunqule uLilo sesithi, Tsiii inyabile lentwana, ndivuka ndiqondba mandibakrobe ndiyafika ihleli iyadlala ayikhali. Me, Tyhini Hlanga lurongo na usana lwam xa luzilungele? Hlanga, Uzakukhwelwa entloko ke nguLulo. Nandim, Ndibethe kemna ke uLulo ugeza ukufa. Tsi uNandim akamfun kanene umntwana wam. Uthe gqi pha segqayiwe uAmyoli, uyabona ke kungavuka uAmyoli uboyaz wonke umntu uzakuvuka noba bavuswe yingxolo okanye yintsini yakhe. Soon wonke umntu besehleli ndatyisa uLilo ke mamNozipho waphela eyenza ngokwakhe le breakfast ndaxelela uLiza noNoni ba zizovaswa ngabo izitya. After breakfast I bathed my twins then ndavasa uNandim noAmyoli. ULwethu no Amyoli no Buhlali noBulali ke bona bazenza abantu abakhulu abafun uvaswa so I let them be kodwa ndibakrobe to make sure bavase kakuhle. After taking a shower, with my husband :P ndiye ndathi ndisathambisa yatsho inotification kufacebook. I opened it yabe isithi, Noxolo Noxy tagged you and 4 others in a status. I opened it yabe isthi, This is an invitation to lunch on me ladies... Angelos? Finnez? She tagged me noLinda noLisa and two ladies she works with. Ndiphumile ndayibeka pha la phone and she called soon after that. I pressed on the answer button and I said, Sekutheni ngok sendidibana nam sendingooo 4 others kuwe? She laughed and said, Uxolo wethu MaDlamini ndiyakwaz indlela onochuku ngayo yilento ndiqondba mandi phoune. Me, Ohhh. Noxy, Phinde ibengath ndimke onomona. Me, Hay andinamona besendibuza qah... Uske wahleka uNoxy akandiphendula... Lonto utsho ngentsini yolonwabo uvakala apha ekuhlekeni ba u in love and nothing could get her down. Me, Sidibana xeshalphi ke? Noxy, Ngo 1 kodwa ndicela ufike a few minutes before wena so that we can have some us time, noba yi 2 minutes. Khave uyandiqhatha nam ndiyancuma. Me, Okay chomi. Noxy, Sure nanam. Siye sabeka iphone ke. Hlanga, Siyaphi ke? Me, Hay daddy ndim ohambayo. Hlanga, Kuyiwa phi le ndawo kucacba andinakuya kuyo mna? Heh isgezo... Me, Im going on a lunch date with Noxy, Linda, Lisa and two ladies that work with Noxy. Hlanga, Ohhhh noba ufuna uthetha nge engagement. Me, Ewe kalok every woman deserves that moment of flossing her diamond in her girls faces nabo bam congratulate. Hlanga, Women... nc nc nc... Me, So wena into onoyenza kukundikhethisa i outfit ndibeyicherry mna qah xa ndisiya pha. Ubeyicherry nton? Bungathanga yi moment ka Noxy le? Khawunxibe la jersey ka mamNonzima unayo ne leggings ne trainers uhambe. I laughed as I went to pick out an outfit, uyavuya lo ufuna ndinxibe kakubi. I got dressed ndazilungisa ke then I went off to lunch with the girls. Ndifike uNoxy sefikile ke then sakhe sancokola nje about mainly how she feels. She is excited and amped though she is worried about what her family will think of Monwabisi, since engaphangeli and all. ULisa ufike ndisaxelela uNoxy ke ukuba uHlanga wafika wayi lawyer ekhaya wabe eyihleka ke then I reminded her that eyonanto ibalulekileyo is that bayathandana noMonwabisi and they want to be together, everything else will fall into place. Lisa ufikile ke and she greeted and hugged us. She asked to see the ring again wabe eyincoma ke and I must say big ups to Monwai, hay uyikhethile le ring. In no time kuye kwafika icollegues zakhe uNoxy babe beqala ke ukuva the good news bangabantu abavuyisanayo ke naye nangona omnye lo bendimbona ba akakhokulonto tu qah ke selapha akanakuthini. Igama lakhe nguNtsiki, asimthandi ke soonke uNtsiki nivile? Kalok uyaybhanxa moss ichomi yam ngoluhlobo... Tyhiii ingath uNoxy uneeder ichomi when she has all she needs in me. Lihambile ke ixesha sincokola sipping on wine sibulinda uLinda. Hey igqithile into enjenge 30 minutes saqala upannicker. Lisa, Noxy uLinda be confirmile? Noxy, Bethe uzakutsho ba akakwaz ukuza. Me, Khanime ndimphounele. I took out my phone and I dialed Linda. Ikhale yodwa ke ayaphendulwa. Me, Hay lets order guys uLinda uyofika sesiqhuba. We did sahlala ke sancokola kwafika ukutya siye satya ke sancokola ngalomtshato ka Noxy mainly nangezinye izinto. Siye sagqiba ndabe ndiziva ba ndi worried ngoLinda ayifan naye into yongabina straight. Ndiphinde ndamphounela ngok igirls zincokola ha.a ayicholwa. I called Thamsanqa yasuka yaya straight ke yona kwi voicemail. Ezi collegues zika Noxy ziye zemka kqala ke phof inguNtsiki lo kucacba ungxamile, esheee akembi. Me, Andiythandi ichom yakho Noxy. Lisa, UNtsiki neh? Me, Ewe. Lisa, Ewe she comes across as fake. Noxy, Ndikubonile Zingce ba awukholwanga tu. Wathogqiba wahleka. Me, Ndi serious bonanje. Noxy, Hhheeeeeh Zingce uLinda cwaka? Me, Ewe, Lisa ithin into yakho from here? Lisa, Sizwe uzazondilanda dear ndisandomthumela imessage ngok. Me, Okay, ndicinga udlula kwa Linda and to just check up on her. Noxy, Thats a great idea, Im worried. Lisa, Yaz guys I hate into yobangathi ndiyamhleba uLinda but she doesnt look happy kodwa ke andikwazi ukuvele ndithethe naye kuba we arent exactly close and andfun ubangath ndiyamqhela. Noxy, Yilandoda yakhe. Oh niyamazi ke ngongakwaz usugar coater avele abeke izinto ngalendlela ziyiyo. Ndivele ndamjamela andathetha nto. Noxy, Hay sindijamela its no secret that yinja uThamsanqa ehamba imithisa lonke elilizwe. Tyhiii ngulo last week oku bendimisela mna kqala wazobona ngaske ndibheke ba ndim yena umisela kwa ntombi. Lisa, Yuh uLinda unyamezele ntoni kulonto? Noxy, Yuh Lisa ndizibuza lonto qho vah, ewesi umhle uLinda, uyaziphangelela uryt akukho nto ashota ngayo. Andiyiboni nalento ingaka ibona lelilizwe kulo Thamsanqa ndini. Lisa, Tyhii uphole nophola. Noxy, Chomi yam? Me, Futsek. Wavela waphela yintsini. Ndiyamazi uNoxy bezakubuza apha kum ba yintoni le ibonwa kuThamsanqa. Lisa, Hayi uLinda akuphelanga madoda makashiye lanja uzakuyifumana indoda eryt emfaneleyo ezomthanda. Me, Yazi nina aniyazi lanto. Akululanga uvele ushiye umntu omthandayo nokuba sekutheni and kudala sathetha noLinda but guys funeka niyazi into yokuba lanto kufuneka ifike pha kuLinda. Otherwise sawthetha sitshe amazwi, ingekafiki kuLinda nje lanto yokuba azive ba wonele nguThamsanqa akakazuya ndawo. Soze sothuke qah mhla uLinda washiya uThamsanqa for into engenamsebenzi njengo ngafaki impahla emdaka kwi washing basket singa believe. Worry yam nje kukuba enze into enkulu ngenxa yawo wonke la msindo. Lisa, Phof ke unyanisile, yuh nanku noSizwe esith uphandle bhabhayini. She got up, hugged us and left. After settling the bill siye semka ke nathi sangabantu abazubonana late. She got into her car and went off and I got into mine. I texted my husband, Done with lunch with the ladies Im gonna check up on Linda at her place because she didnt pitch, Im a bit worried. I received a reply from him ndisaphuma nje kwi parking. It read, Okay babe. Let me know if kukho into eserious, love you. Ndiye ndancuma ndedwa and I went off. Ndifike kutixwe kwa gate kodwa imoto zabo zabe zikhona zingaphakathi. I called them andahoywa. I beeped ha.a akukhomntu uphumayo. I got off ndakhwaza. Linda uphume enxibe igown looking like hell. Me, Hay nana uryt? Linda, Ndiryt. Me, We were worried kuba ungafikanga so I thought Id come check up on you. Linda Uyandibon ndiryt , enkosi. Me, Busithi uSihle akhoryt phezolo unjani ngoku? Linda, Uryt. Me, Heeeh Linda awuzondivulela? Linda, Awukagqibi? Me, UNoxy noMonwabisi ba engaged ngok. Linda, Oh siyavuyisana nabo. Me, Linda kuqhubeka ntoni? Linda, Akhonto. Me, Linda ndicela undivulele. Linda, Akukho need. Me, Linda? Whata wrong? Linda, Akhonto. Me, You look shaken. Linda, Im fine. Me, Linda ndivulele sithethe, you know Im here for you. Linda, Zingce Im fine, you dont have the solution to everything okay? Yabona ke ukuza phaaa oko bethetha nge tone enye emoderate ndimvile ngoku ba uyadikwa. Me, Linda I might not have a solution but I do have a listening ear. Linda, Bye bye Zingce. Uye waguquka wabuyela endlin. Okay well clearly I am not wanted here so ndiye ndaguquka. Before I got to my car ndiye ndeva ilizwi elincinci lindikhwaza sebezayo, if that makes sense. Maka Nandim... Maka Nandim... Ndiye ndabheka ndabona abantwana baka Linda bevele efestileni. Me, Babies? Buhle, Please help... umama... Linda uvele wathi gqi kanye ngeloxesha wathi, Hey futsek futsek nina... Batshonela abantwana. Linda, Zingce hamba wena akukhonto yakho ilapha, okanye ufuna uThamsanqa? Me, Ungakhe ulinge undiphambanele ke mna Linda andiyondawo yakho yophambanela. Linda, Zingce ndicela uhambe youre not needed here. Me, Let me speak to your children. Linda, Uyaziva? They are my children bazothetha nam ba kuyanyanzeleka uyeva? Nantsi indlu igcwele ngabakho abantwana suzihlupha ngaba bam. Heeeh he bethuna nithi utheni na uLinda? I sent my husband a text ngok ndipha egatini. It read, Hlanga ndicela uze apha kwaLinda ASAP. Ikhona into eyenzekayo apha Linda wont let me in abantwana bakhwaza for help ngeee festile. Hlanga replied, Im on my way my love. Linda, Wenza ntoni ngok? Me, Linda xa ungandivuleli you leave me no choice but to call amapolisa. Linda, Ulumke ke kungabanjwa wena weee mfazi wegintsa. Heeeeh akagezi undixakile. Hay lifufunyane uLinda akazange abenje uLinda ngulo ulunge kunomntu wonke kalok. Me, Linda vula le gate. Linda, Hehake sisi uyalahleka akukho kwakho apha. Heeeeh ndaze ndavelelwa namhlanje. Senze looomjikelezo ke noLinda ndabe ndizixelele ba andiyi ndawo I cannot give up on her I could give up on anyone not uLinda. ULinda inoba uzovula uHlanga e just a few minutes away. Ungena kwam ndiye ndeva kunuka njeee ivumba elingaqhelekanga abantwana babaleke baza kum. Me, Kwenzek ntoni apha? Buhle, Izolwelinye umama uye wangena kularoom yabo notata ephethe imbiza enkuuuulu eqhumayo sava ngesikhalo sikatata umama watixa yonke indawo asaya naseskolweni. Sihle, Notata akaphindanga waphuma kula room umama uyatixa. Me, Linda? Linda, Iza izobona, hambani nina. Abantwana baye bothuka bahamba baya efront bebonakala ba bamoyika nyani uLinda ngok. I followed her to her room ndafika ndabona umbono. I wouldnt have recognised that in any other case. Thamsanqa lay ontop of their bed inyama le yomzimba inendawo eziduncukayo eziwayo kukutsha epink woooonke. I turned and looked at Linda. Me, Linda? Kwenzeke ntoni? Hlanga walked in at that moment. Hlanga, Yuh kwenzeke nton apha? Linda, I burnt him, hes gonna burn more in hell. Utsho with anger and hatred all over her face. Me, Usaphila? Hlanga wabe edlula esiya pha kfuphi ebhedini and he replied, Ewe, ssshhhh thula Thamie its fine suzama uthetha. Linda, Ewe iyaphila ayide ife lento. Me, Linda what happened? We need an ambulance Hlanga. Hlanga took out his phone waphouna Linda, UThamsanqa... Iye yakhal iphone yam ngawo lomzuzu, nguLizalise. Me, Liza? Lizalise, Hello ma, uhhhhm ndicela undiboleke imoto I wanna... Me, Lizalise thatha imoto uze apha kwa Linda uzothatha uBuhle noSihle theyre going to spend a few days with us uhambe ke uye kulendawo ufuna ukuya kuyo. Liza, Okay ma. Ndiye ndasore ndisiya kubo and I told them to pack intwana ntwana bazohamba noLizalise but andabaxelela ba kwenzeka nton ndath sothetha nabo endlini, bavuma abantwana. Ndibuyele eroomin. Hlanga, Akungconwanga simse ngokwethu? Me, Ndoyika senze further damage ingaske aphakanyiswe ngababantu bazawbe beyazi lento bayenzayo. Hlanga, Okay. Linda stood still against her wall and she stared into space. Me, Linda? Uth kwenzeke ntoni? Linda, He slept with my sisters daughter, after everything he put me through he had to sleep with my sisters daughter. Yuh ndiske ndaxakwa kengok, uThamsanqa unjani na bethuna? Just when you think akhonto ingaphezulu anoyenza wenza amanyala a more. Linda, Now tell me you can stand there and say he didnt deserve it. Ndimbilisele umilimili ngeyona mbiza inkulu ndamtshisa wanya ngesidudu. After everything he has put me through he deserves nothing but death, a slow and painful death... for everything he has done to me... he must dies and he will burn more in hell losathana. Ngusathana lo uqobo lwakhe. I could feel and I could see the pain, hatred, anger and dissapointment in her eyes and I could hear it in her voice. Yuh beware of any angry woman.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 04:27:46 +0000

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