Good morning, my lovely friends! My sleep returned last night as - TopicsExpress


Good morning, my lovely friends! My sleep returned last night as expected, and before bed I saw an impressive shooting star while I was outside in the hot tub! My only real plans for today are to pick up a few groceries, drink this lovely hot coffee, and find something yummy to eat. Nice!!! Yesterday I posted a fantastic article that I got from a good friend of mine. The title of the article is a tad misleading because it asks the question Do you deserve unconditional love? But, the article itself writes about how we often believe we dont deserve such love, even when it is offered to us! I have meditated on this heavily since I read it and I have considered the many ways I was taught over the years about love and how conditions were always placed on that love. The end result was for a very long time, the love I offered to others was also conditional, and I surrounded myself with people who were more than happy to offer me a similar conditional love. In recent years I have had my eyes open to how conditional my love was for others. I was always taught that God loves me unconditionally... but that I have to do something to earn that love. OOPS... Thats conditional love! And, that conditional love has infected our homes and society in ways most of us cant even fathom. It breeds hatred, racism, bigotry, and what might be the worst of them all: Indifference! We are taught these things as children, we are taught this in most of our religions, we are taught these things by our news media, and we are taught these things by our governments. They are now the status quo... Americans are greater than you because... Oh, really? Only Christians will go to heaven and the rest of you will burn in hell. Oh, really? My eyes are now open to this illusion, and I now have this peace and this freedom to just love you with no conditions placed on that love. I left the church 16 1/2 years ago, never to return again. This was one of the greatest things that ever happened to me! I was told I would wither away, backslide, go to hell, and so many other things. But instead, over the years, I have learned to love greater, forgive freely, and give from my heart and not out of obligation. I always had one issue with love: Myself! I was taught in religion that I was worthless, that there is nothing good in me, and that I needed to do this or that to be accepted. This thinking was in my home growing up, and it followed me through much of life. It was pushed onto me by others, it was reinforced by people who made fun of my weight, my looks, my bad teeth, my taste in music, or a million other things. As a result, I never liked myself. In fact, I often hated myself! But, no longer! In recent times, I have come to truly love the person God is creating me to be. I cant change all of my physical flaws, but I honestly think that I kick ass as a person. I LOVE the things I enjoy. I have awesome taste in music, movies and hobbies. I now think Im a great guy! When I have nobody to talk to or spend time with, I enjoy my time with me. Yes, I now love myself, and I feel so free! I turn 53 in May, and I am more excited than ever about the good things that are coming my way in life. And, I truly believe that the day is coming when I will get to enjoy this hot coffee with a friend over great conversation again, and when I will enjoy music with a friend again. I can hardly wait to take a road trip to go record hunting with a friend, or to explore a long trail through the woods! Life has so many possibilities! And, I look forward to the new friends I will make and the wonderful things they bring into my life as well. How exciting this will be! Dont get caught up in the hatred being spread in the world right now. Just let it go and learn to love... starting with yourself! And please... Have a GREAT day, OK? :)
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 11:51:56 +0000

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