Good morning people of God…. As we continue in our topic…. We - TopicsExpress


Good morning people of God…. As we continue in our topic…. We bless the name of God for bringing his words to us. How to enjoy and understand the Bible for better manifestation. Part six (6) 6. The TWO sided nature of the bible: The bible has two sided nature. The logos; this is written word of God, which we read often either as stories or when even we are ask to open and read in church, that’s why some call Bible “Book of stories”. Logos makes you see the bible as book of stories, as an ancient book. If you treat the bible this way, it will never impact but only inform you. The Rhema; Rhema on the other hand is the spoken word or spirit word of God. As you can’t separate a man from his word, so you can’t separate God from his words. That’s why when someone speak against you, there’s no way you arrest his words and let him go free, rather you arrest him… simply bcos you can’t see the words. This also is the reason why people require written evidence. The first thing a police man will tell you is “oya write statement”. In a nut-shell, Rhema is Gods statement. When you understand Rhema, you hold God by his words and miracles begin to flow. Isaiah 55:11 “so shall my words that goes forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall it shall prosper in the thing where I sent it”. The amount of the word of God you possess is the amount of God you carry and the amount of faith you build. Rhema not only informs you, it impacts you. Tomorrow’s revelation with shock you…. God bless you And Happy independence.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 05:07:06 +0000

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